''Seriously, out of everybody, you were the only one that stayed?'' I asked with a raised brow and slightly annoyed expression. Malfoy just smirked at me before dropping my wrist. 

''Well, we better find them then. This is the Muggle World and they know nothing about it.'' 

''You talk about it like you've been here before, Malfoy.'' I replied, before dropping my bag in his arms. ''I want you to take these bags up to the room.'' The key is now being held in Malfoy's mouth as he held bags in his arms. ''I'll be up with the rest of the group after I find them.'' I waved him off, walking without another glance. 

I couldn't really blame any of them, this place has almost everything anyone could ever dream of. Though, I sti don't want anything happening to any of them. Besides Parkinson, she'll be fine if she drowns or something, don't want to give my hopes up though. 

Walking down a hallway, I glanced to my right, only to double back looking and poke my head around the corner. The room I was currently looking in was a Spa room, which Stan and Daphne just happened to be in. Facepalming, I walked inside and stood in-front of the two. 

''Granger! Finally joined us, I see?'' Stan shouted, throwing his hands up before bending them behind his head. 

''I got us a room, I'm trying to get everyone up there before we all split.'' I informed the two. Daphne shrugged and sighed before getting up and grabbing her bag from beside her chair. 

''What room did you get?'' She asked. 

''You'll see.'' 

Stan had followed behind us, carrying his own bag. 

''Any idea where the others had gone to?'' I asked the two.

''Who all have you found?'' Daphne replied, answering my question with a question. 

''Only you two and Malfoy, though Malfoy hadn't left the Lobby area I told you all to wait in.'' I looked around the corner, looking left and right down the hall before choosing to go left. 

''Pretty sure the black bobbed girl said something about guys.'' Stan pulled from behind us, making me immediately stop walking. 

''Anything specific?'' I asked with a raised brow. Stan squinted his eyes at nothing, chewing his bottom lip, trying to recall anything from a few moments ago.

''There was a paper on the front desk, a folded paper that had writing on it and pictures of the building.'' Stan started to recall. ''One if them said that they wanted to go for a swim, the tall boy with black hair and deformed look. The girl decided to follow after seeing some other guys just come from the gym.'' He shrugged.

''Stan you are brilliant!'' I praised the man, making him smile. ''Did they say anything else? About where Theo and Blaise have gone off too?''

''Nope, nothing.'' Daphne had a defeated look as she shook her head. I tried to think back to anything that could help find Blaise and Theo, only for my mind to come to a complete blank. 

''Alright, well, let's head to the pool. Then we can go find Theo and Blaise.'' The other two nodded, following after me. The halls were pretty deserted, only a few people walking past every now and then. This place was very nice too, the penthouse shouldn't be half bad either. 

As we continued walking, we passed by a billboard on the wall, which had lines and dots on it. It was a map of the Hotel, showing where everything was and how to get there. The locations were color coded, so that they were easier to determine for other people. 

''Hold up, guys.'' I stopped Daphne and Stan, making them turn to me. ''Stan, you said that you had found a folded piece of paper in the front desk, right?'' 

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