''Small problem.'' I pipped up from beside Hermione and they all turn to look at me. ''Parkinson won't eat that.'' Pointing towards the third cupcake in Hermione's hands. 

''Why not?'' Harry asked. 

''She isn't like Crabbe and Goyle. She will leave whenever Malfoy leaves, and follow him right towards the Slytherin Common Room, where I can't get a strand of her hair.'' I explained, raising my arms afterwards. 

''Find a way to get to her when she's following Malfoy, then. And if that doesn't work, take the cake as a last resort if any of your plans don't work.'' Hermione handed me the small cake, then stood up from the table. ''Alright then. . .I'm going to go check on the Polyjuice Potion. Remember, just make sure Crabbe and Goyle find these.'' She then points to the small cakes in the table, before walking off. 

''Have you ever heard of a plan where so many things could go wrong?'' Ron asked us. 

''All the time.'' I responded, shrugging and standing from my seat in the bench. 

''How are you going to handle Parkinson?'' Harry asked. 

''You will soon find out.'' I told them with a smug look. Honestly, I didn't even know what I was going to do. 

Walking out of the Great Hall, I only had about three minutes to come up with a plan before Parkinson and Malfoy come walking down the corridor. I could ask Fred and George for help, all I really need it the hair and something to keep her distracted enough to not go into the Slytherin Common Room. Hermione said that we should try not to harm them. 

Well, I tried and I failed. 

''Major Granger! What is running in that head of yours?'' Peeves came floating from the floor below, hanging upside down while holding the end of his feet. 

''I need to find a way, to keep someone away from a certain place for a certain amount of time.'' I replied. 

''I understood nothing of what you had just said.'' Peeves laughed, switching his position so that he was sitting upright with his arms behind his head and his legs crossed over one another. 

''Let's just say, I've got to get rid of someone for about an hour or two.'' I tried to clarify. 

''I could make them disappear!'' Peeves suggested, flying in-front of me. 

''How and where, exactly?'' I asked, intrigued by his offer. 

''Like this.'' Peeves snapped his fingers and I was no longer in Hogwarts. 

I looked around, left and right but couldn't see the familiar stone castle anywhere. As I continued to look, I had noticed that Peeves wasn't here either. A rumbling sound could be heard from behind me, when I turned around, it was a stampede of animals. There were elephants, bucks, yaks, bison, zebra's and some giraffe's. 

''PEEVES!'' I shouted, running in-front and away from the stampede as fast as I could. Let's just hope Peeves doesn't kill me. ''COME ON, PEEVES!'' I shouted once more, hoping the ghost could hear me. 

When I looked over my shoulder, there was an elephant right behind me. I was starting to run slower and slower then what I have been running earlier. I was turned around for too long, that I hadn't seen the tree root sticking out of the tree and tripped over it. The elephant grew closer and closer, until it's foot war right above my head. 

My hands instantly covered my head and I curled up into a ball, getting ready to feel to pressure of the Elephant's foot, smashing my skull. Only, I hadn't felt anything. Not an Elephant's foot, not the crushing of my skull, and not even the rumbling noise. Fluttering my eyes open, I found myself in the same corridor Peeves had just teleported me from. 

[✓] 𝘗𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘺 𝘐𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 ,𝘋.𝘔𝘹𝘍𝘦𝘮𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳,Where stories live. Discover now