chapter 7) Bloody fights

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*A week after the accusation incident*

After a week from the awful accusations Kelly had stated to the whole world, has literally been the worst school days of my life which started on Monday, This is the most mental pain I have experienced in my life.

I'd rather be in hell than go another week like this.

Not only have the accusations gotten worse, but people started harassing me!

Like what the fuck!

It's getting out of hand now, and I'm not liking it.

How and why would they believe Kelly over some stupid accusations with zero to no proof??

I call bullshit on this matter.

Anyways, I'm currently on my last period before I get to go home. I have been waiting all day (and a week) for Friday to come and when Friday does come, it's literally the slowest day for me.

I call bullshit again.

Finally hearing the bell ring after waiting for about two hours and forty minutes for it, I quickly rushed out of the classroom ready to lay down on my bed which was probably waiting for me to get drenched in tears again.

Seeing the exit sign glow in the sunlight ready for me to be free, I start rushing towards it faster but was quickly blocked by a group of little girls with wicked smirks plastered on their faces.

Kelly and their dogs.

Motherfucker, what does she want this time?

"Running to get home so soon?" she mocked her side girls laughing in response.

HAHHA so funny.

Sighing in frustration, I look around my surroundings trying to find another exit besides the one in front of me which was blocked off by a bitch- I mean whore- I mean an awful- I mean Kelly!

Damn she's making me lose brain cells-

"Listen Ariel-" she taunts, "just admit you killed her, your lie isn't going to get you far in this world," she grins as she walks towards me with a look that makes me slightly uneasy.

Just as she was in front of me, she tip toes all the way to my height and places her mouth close to my ears whispering.

"What? Are you scared your parents are going to find out how much of a disappointment you are?" she added.

That's when I lose it.

Anger immediately courses through my veins as my arms somehow manage to lift up without my consent.

Feeling my anger course up to my arm and into my fist, my fist quickly rushes down onto Kelly's face crushing her cheekbone with a loud crunch.

I watch as Kelly crashes down onto the floor with blood spurting out her nose and her cheek already forming a bruise while gasps erupt around me.

I already know how much my parents despises me, I don't need a stupid little girl to remind me.

And I already know how much they hate me, although they try not to show it, their acting and favoritism towards me and my siblings are very easily noticeable.

But hey, they don't like me and I don't like them.

What can I do?

Though it kind of hurts knowing your parents don't like you unless they need you, but still.

Anyways back to the topic of punching Kelly...

As I finish landing the first punch to Kelly, adrenaline courses through my body as I chargeback right back at her once again before she can even get the chance to get back up from the ground.

My Weird Fate//Currently editingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt