Chapter 26) Escaping Together

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Unknown time

As we carefully and quietly walk through the halls of the building trying our best to not get caught, I walk behind Gray waiting for his signal so I can know the coast is clear. 

He holds the gun near his ears spying each corner making sure not to waste any bullets if he does encounter someone. 

Luckily, we haven't found any one.


As we walk from hallway to hallway, we try to find stairs that lead up to the roof so he can get the best signal he can have and to call his teammates in peace without worrying about anyone hearing that we are out of our cages. 

Just as Gray was about to give a signal for me to follow him, the sound of a gun blasts through the air making me flinch (almost scream) in surprise. 

We both look at each other 'asking each other-' more like looking at each of our own bodies too if we were the one that got shot. 

Although a bullet seems to be fired, it seems like it wasn't pointed at us. 

So who was that bullet aiming for? 

Quickly moving towards Gray in fear that they may be enemies close to us, I make sure to stay extra safe behind Gray looking both ways making sure there's no one in sight. 

As we get closer to the end of the hallway, we notice the sound of large and loud footsteps to the right of it indicating that there's a large group of people there. 

I quietly move in front of Gray peaking at the corner of the wall trying to count the amount of people and how many firearms they have. 

Despite the fact that I couldn't get the exact number of people and firearms they have, I come to a rough decision that there are at least 10-12 men, half have guns, and the other half have nothing other than a knife. 

Telling Gray what I saw, he stays still for a moment probably thinking of a plan, but I can tell that the plan isn't either going well or is a dumb plan based on the facial expression. 

He slowly looks at me with an awkward smile before quietly whispering me the plan in a few short words. 

"WHAT" I whisper-shout to him in disbelief. 

"I know, I know," he explains rubbing the back of his neck in awkwardness. 

"But can you think of a better plan?" He asks thinking that would help the situation. 

"No.... but I still can't believe you want me to die!" 

"You're not going to die! Quit being dramatic." He argues back. 

"Really? Dramatic huh?" I mutter in disbelief at such words he's saying to me right after discussing his god-awful plan.

"This is the only way out!" he complains to me. 

Narrowing my eyes at him judging his plan, I start thinking of a better one without me being a distraction, but the more I think about it, the better his plans are compared to mine. 

Sighing in defeat, I finally agree to his plans. 

Quietly getting into stance for my "act", I check the corner one more time before slowly getting my eyes ready to cry.

Hesitantly walking to the middle of the hallway, I let out a loud cry startling the group of men as they quickly point there guns to me. 

"What the fuck?" I hear one of them mutter under their breath. 

"Oh please help me!" I cry aloud walking to one of them as I collapse in their arms, "Uh, ma'am? Are you alright?" Crying even louder as more of them come towards me with a confused look on their face, I try not to freeze in action for the fear that they'll know what I'm up to. 

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