Chapter 18) Convincing you

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"NO FUCKING WAY" April yells into the phone with no remorse to the people on the call. 

"Yes way," I reply back trying to hide my laughter from her. Although talking about my encounter with my family shouldn't be so funny, the way April and Annie talks through it, is.

"If I were you I would slap that bitch right into Mars" Annie angrily mutters, rolling my eyes, I lean back onto the couch enjoying their responses.

"Aurora, if I were you, I would turn my other cheek around waiting for her to slap me again-" 

"And why the fuck would you do that!?" Annie yells into the phone, 

"Yeah why would I do that?" I question.

"Y'all haven't heard of that saying? Turn your other cheek for kindness but it'll eventually lead you to more pain..."

"Or something like that."


"What the fuck is April on?" 

"Yeah who invited her?" we both say the same time which leads us to burst in laughter. 

"Listen-" April tries to explain, "Shut up" Annie interrupts between laughter. And although Annie should be offended by that, she really can't get mad after hearing the way April laughs. 

Sounds like a truck starting it's engines.

After we all calm down from laughter, we head into silence. Not awkward silence, but just comfortable silence. Staring at the ceiling, I replay the events that happened a few hours ago, and the more I think about it, the more guilty and heart-wrenching it is. 

Why does this always happen to me? What did I do wrong?

Letting out a small sigh of how much bullshit happened today, I suddenly jolt up remembering the note Aaron gave to me while heading out.

Shit, I forgot about that.

"Hey guys," I reply breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" They both speak at the same time, "I've got to go right now, I remembered something... urgent just now." 

"Oh, yeah go ahead I've also got to go too," April replies back.

"Well then let's meet up tomorrow" Annie interrupts before we all leave the call.

"Yeah, Yeah sure, let's meet at the little coffee shop around the corner" April excitedly answers. And with that, we all hang up.

I take a deep breath taking in my thoughts and keeping myself calm. I hope Aaron is alright.

Quickly going over to the kitchen island, I pick up the note inspecting the folded papers expecting something that could help the both of us. Seeing nothing, I rip off the little tape hold the pieces of paper together before opening it up to see a huge paragraph of Aaron's awful handwriting.

'Dear Sister/Aurora\Weirdo etc. 

Um, I know we haven't spoke in a while but I missed you (for your money ofc), I really need help with a homework assignment that's due next week and I've been putting it off for a month now. I also need help feeding the fish, I don't know how to take care of one. so come home. Or maybe I can come live with you, mom keeps complaining about how she always has to pay for everything Lucy wants, but she's too much of a bitch to say no. Not only that, she even started asking me to pay for Lucy's stuff. Ofc I said no, but then she started yelling at me like what she used to do with you. It definitely gave me war flashbacks, so I just stay in my room until night comes and everyone falls asleep. And you know this already, dad doesn't even help. So either text me or call me if you ever decide to let me come live with you, I don't think I'll be able to live here for long before I start putting mayonnaise in her fucking shampoo. Anyways... I love you- (nope just joking) I hate you, text or call me as soon as possible before I get reported by the police because of Lucy's dramatic ass. - from the best, prettiest, hottest, cutest, amazingest person you know, Aaron.

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