chapter 4) Teaching the stupid kid

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I'm so fucking glad that today is Friday which means that I don't have to see Gray for a whole 2 days, but I'm also quite sad that I have to face him for one more day.

I don't think that I'll live another day with Gray in my life without blushing. 

All this because of yesterday's incident.

My face instantly heats up remembering the events that led up to that moment. 

Curse you Kelly!

That was literally the closest I've been with a boy! (And yes, I still haven't had my first kiss at the age of 21). what a shame, what a fucking shame

Anyways, here I am inside a bathroom stall thinking whether if I should go outside and wait 'till the bell rings to go to class, but bump into him during the journey, or stay in the bathroom until the bell rings and become somewhat late to the lecture.

And although the second option sounds the best, I don't think missing the first part of the lecture would be great for my grades, not only that I'm kind of getting bored in this stall...

So, first option it is!

Quickly getting out of the bathroom stall and walking towards the exit, I open the door making sure to look both ways to see if Gray was anywhere near my sight. 

Luckily he's not here. 


Swiftly roaming the halls with the hairs on my neck standing in fear that I'll bump into Gray again, I start looking around the halls for my friend Annie hoping that she'll help me with my problem.

Although I'm not sure if I should do so since we haven't seen each other in a while. 

Why is that?

Well, she barricaded herself from the outside world after school because she started binge watching a show called 'Extraordinary you' (Not part of the story, but I LOVE THAT SHOW! It has a special place in my heart). 

I'm still offended that she chose that show over me.

I mean what's so good about it? 

After a few minutes of cautiously roaming the school ground, I finally find Annie sitting on the floor by the lockers staring at her phone probably watching her stupid show. 

Sighing in relief and in annoyance, I slowly start walking towards her wanting to slap her across the head for leaving me alone in this stupid school, but also wanting to be kind just in case she misses me too, after such a long day without each other. 

Once I'm standing beside her, I can tell she feels my presence since she looks up to me with an awkward smile pretending like she just didn't abandon me. 

She then slowly scoots over to the side patting the ground that she used to sit on indicating for me to take it and sit next to her to which I accept.

Finally, she shuts down her phone putting it away in her pockets as she sits facing me so I know she has my full attention. 

Giving her a questionable look I ask "What?" slightly confused on why she's giving me that weird, know it all look. 

"Have you seen the new students? especially the good looking one?" she questioned with her slight Indian accent.

"you mean Gray?" I ask hoping that he isn't the one she is talking about. 

She immediately nods her head in agreement.


"What, you like him?" I said in a teasing manner hoping to re-direct the topic of him to something else. 

My Weird Fate//Currently editingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora