Chapter 38) My Little Birthday Boy

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6 months later

Aurora's POV


Waking up in a cheery mood, I swiftly hop off of the bed making sure not to wake Gray up from his nap (although he probably did after the earthquake that just happened when I jumped off the bed) he somehow still manages to sleep peacefully which surprises me but also doesn't. 

That dude could sleep through an earthquake. 

Anyways, as I quickly go up and do my morning routine, I rush downstairs making sure to take one look back at Gray to see if he's still fast asleep. Once I know he is, I start making my way down the stairs calling his group members to help and surprise him with the party! And without a minute to spare, they all come in with a snap.

Watching them as they try to push each other out of the way to get through the door, they all fail to do so when none of them agree to move back and wait for the others to go first. 

"Move fat ass" Mark grits trying to push the others away as he is getting crushed to the side of the door.

"Oh I know I have a fat ass" Josh argues back as if it helps the situation by pushing the others away from the his side of the door. 

Noah in the middle, being squished by the other two looks disgusted by the amount of ass is being pushed onto both sides of his body, he lets out a small 'help me' before being pushed face first onto the floor by Sebastian that has been witnessing the disaster that is happening in the entry way. 

This causes a loud thudding noise not only when Noah falls face first, but the fact that Mark and Josh pushed Noah so hard that when the human was gone, it caused them to crash against each other from the lack of support.

This earns a not so nice loud sound that echoes throughout the house. 

Letting out a cringe face hoping that Gray didn't hear the commotion at his doorway, Sebastian gives me a small smile before stepping over the others making his way to the kitchen with all the ingredients in a grey plastic bag needed to bake the cake. 

Sighing, I slowly walk towards the both them holding my hands out for them to take. 

They slowly comply while glaring at one another.

Once they're all in the kitchen, I start assigning them to their jobs and what to do for the baking process.

 Sebastian gets the batter ready, while Noah and Josh get's the oven ready for the baking process AND get the fondant and icing done. Right after that is done, me and Mark decorate the cake! And although it took a lot of arguing on who to decorate, me and Mark won the argument so now while we both get to decorate the cake everyone will have to sulk about it.

Finally, once the cake was finally done, the guys pushed me to wake up Gray in fear that they'd get smack in the face if they did it themselves. 

Laughing at the fear of their leader, I quietly tiptoe up the stairs wondering if Gray is still asleep even after all that commotion happened downstairs. But as I open the door to our room, he is still somehow sound asleep. 

Like deeply asleep. 

Confused, I walk towards the bed crouching down to his sleeping body wondering if he's faking being asleep, or actually asleep because Gray usually doesn't stay asleep up until 12. 

Lifting one of my hands as I poke his cheek, he doesn't move at the sudden touch making me believe that he is sound asleep. If not dead. I quietly laugh. Of course he's not dead. I hope. 

Smiling at his pouted face, I trace the outline of his jaw loving the way his face is shaped. 

He has such sharp features, like jawline, nose, eyebrows and even his pupils. 

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