chapter 8) Run and Hide

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Saturday, 5:47pm

I carry the loaded groceries while skipping, happily knowing that I was finally able to afford enough food for an entire month! How does it feel being the richest person on the planet?


It's been a while since I've been happy over food.

Anyways, as I head to my lonely car that I parked at least a mile away from the store, I lift up the trunk and start filling it up with the bags of groceries I bought, still happy knowing that I can afford these types of things.

I never knew I could take buying groceries for granted when I moved out of my house.

Walking towards the driver's seat, I was about to press the button to open the car door, but immediately stopped remembering to call my job saying that I had to call in sick for tomorrow.

(I'm not really sick I just wanted to stay home for the day)

Looking down onto my jeans trying to locate where my phone is, I raise my eyebrows in confusion seeing my pockets empty. Immediately patting my jeans in worry, I feel nothing but my flat ass and hips meaning that I may have

Panicking, I start slapping the side of my thighs harder hoping that my mind is playing tricks on me, but still feel nothing while doing so.

Motherfucker, I lost my phone.

Thinking of all the places where I could've lost it, the first thing that would come to mind would be the grocery store.

Auughh to the grocery store it is I sigh.

Hurriedly going back into the shop looking for my phone as I check each aisle carefully and thoroughly, the more I walk by each aisle repeatedly, the more disappointment I feel seeing my phone nowhere in sight.

I have come to the conclusion that my phone isn't in this store.


Sighing a sad sigh, I quickly make sure to grab a pack of gum before leaving the store so they won't think that I stole something from here, knowing that I went through each aisle more than 3 times which is quite suspicious I must say.

Once I get out of the store, the last place where I think it could be, would be at an alleyway I went to.

Why an alleyway?

Well, I may have parked a bit too far from the store, and the shortest way to get there would've been at the alleyway I went too.

So hopefully it is there.

Jogging to that alleyway in search of my phone, I slowly start walking towards it feeling a bit anxious knowing how dark it is since the last time I've been there which was like a few hours ago.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Carefully and quietly walking towards the place, I cautiously turn the corner, afraid that some sort of demon will appear in my sight and come attack me, but immediately widen my eyes in shock from the scene in front of me.

I watch as one man is kneeled in front of a suited guy as he pleads and cries for forgiveness and mercy. The man standing in front of him shows no emotion as he points the gun at the man like he was paid to do this.

Quietly crouching down making sure that I am not in view, the man in front of the guy quietly says "Any last words?" Barely loud enough for me to hear.

And with that, the guy starts to cry and beg even louder and more frantic than before, making my heart ache at such a sight.

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