Authors Note

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Spoilers ahead**

Heyyyyy guysss! Now before we start with my non-interesting life about how this story started, I would like to give thanks to the people who helped me write this story!


I personally would like to thank myself for being so smart and consistent when writing this book (even though I sometimes missed a day when posting), AND I would also like to thank myself for not giving up this book (I have thought so much in deleting this book its not even funny). 

Having these attributes really helped me finish this wonderful (it really isn't) book and I would like to thank myself once again for being this good. 

Anyways... Another big thanks goes to you guys!!! Thank you so much for deciding to waste your time and read this book, it means so much to me and I personally would like to give you an online kiss soo *MUAHH*

I wouldn't have became "famous" because of you all so I would like to thank you all and continue my boring ass speech. 

Now, before you guys talk about some bad things about this book, I personally would like to do it first so I could become my number 1 hater instead of some of you guys. 

Now let's read the list. 

1. The book had not plot to it) There isn't really a major plot to this book because I was more focused on each chapter having its main own plot than the whole book itself. (Which is not a good start when writing a book soo... oops-)

1 point- me / 0 points- hater 

2. The books main problem (Gray killing Aurora's dad) was too quick and rushed) Since my book didn't really have a main plot to it like I said, I do suppose that all the rushing stuff was just me wanting to end the book quickly because I really had no time to add more details to the story because of school sooooo. 

2 points- me / 0 points- hater 

3. The grammar sucked ass) Yeah it did. 

2 points- me / 1 point- hater

4. There was no character development with any of the characters) You're actually wrong, Gray did have a character development! Other than that your correct. 

3 points- me / 1 points- hater 

5. There were so many things left unfinished and a lot of plot holes) Uhh this mostly has to do with the first problem which it is being that I focused on each chapter having its own plot than the whole story itself. 

3 points- me / 2 points- hater 

6. I didn't really like the side characters, they were boring and plain) Well shut up/hj 

4 points- me / 2 points- hater 

7. I hate this book) okay

5 points- me / 2 points- hater 

I win!! 

Anyways- Although I'm not sure whether or not you guys are still reading this section I'm pretty sure I have notified you guys on the new book that I'm currently writing (AND DON'T WORRY!! I promise the problem I stated in this book won't happen in the new book cause I'm new and improved), the book I'm writing will be either be published later in the months of somewhere past July or August but if I don't publish it by then, than I'll have it published next year :( 

But before I publish that book, I would like to do a final edit of this book to make sure point number 6 doesn't happen too much! So starting by whenever I will start editing this book, Every Wednesday's and Friday's the book will have a final edit while I also start writing a couple chapters of the new book. 

So here's my schedule right now.

Have a final edit of this book.

Start writing the new book while editing this one.

And have it published by late of this year. 

Seems easier said than done but I'll manage (I hope)

Now, before I say our goodbye's if you would like to have a little clue about what the next book will be about it is going follow a vampire romance type of stuff. 

Other than that little clue, I would like to thank you guys once again and will see you later!!

Oh right, the editing process will start by next week because this week is exams week :( So to any of you who do have exams good luck!!

My Weird Fate//Currently editingWhere stories live. Discover now