Chapter 14) Gray vs Aurora

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I week later

It's been a week since Gray has taught me how to fight and I must say, I've gotten a lot better at it.

I somewhat got the hang of dodging a punch which makes me really happy and proud. 

And I'm not going to brag or anything, but in a matter of days, I'll be as good as Gray!

That's right, I said it.

I mean, what's so hard about beating him? It's not like he'll hit a girl or anything? 

I think. 

But either way I'll be able to defend myself from Kelly if she does somehow end up messing with me at school. I'm practically stronger than her!

And I won't take back my words. I am stronger than Kelly.


Anyways, a days days back, Gray said that in the future, me and him will actually fight one another. 

And that day is today! 

Winner gets bragging rights and gets to do anything the other person tells them to do! What a lovely prize.

Will I regret this?

Probably yeah. 

But, you never know if I do actually win.

Plus, beginners luck is by my side today, I can feel its presence. 

I'm so ready to win this fight.

I've been training so hard for this day!

I can't wait to show April and Annie my moves.


Annie? April? School? Holy shit I forgot about them!! Oh my God, what are they doing right now???

Are they worried about me?? Did they call the police? Am I being hunted by the police??

I have to have a serious talk with Gray about this.

Wait is he also being looked for by the police? Or is he being hunted by the police for kidnapping?

Holy shit why am I just thinking about this now?? I have seriously been distracted over Gray forgetting about my life outside of this place.

I really need to get outside and announce myself back to the world before they announce me dead.

Putting on some cargo pants and a black sports bra, I make my way to the gym feeling a bit excited yet nervous at the same time.

Though I probably won't win the fight, I'm just excited to go outside after days- if not weeks of staying indoors and not seeing the sunlight.

But I do wonder how April and Annie would react once I finally get out of this hell hole, will they cry when they see my beautiful face? Will they be disappointed? I really hope not. They're like, the only friends I have. 

Let's just hope for the best.

Once I make it to the gym, I find Gray surrounded by his teammates? coworkers? buddies? friends? Or whatever they are. 

It seems like he's got more friends then me. I see how it is, I see how it is.

Awkwardly standing near the entrance of the door not knowing what to do nor where to go, Noah notices me standing weirdly at the door before yelling, "what's up Aurora" while walking towards me with a bright smile.

This causes all the guys attention (including Gray) from each other to me. And as I watch each individuals faces, I can't differentiate if they're smiling because they're happy to see me, or happy to see me knowing that they're going to do something mischievously bad. 

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