chapter 1) meeting you

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Gloomy and misty is what I would call the weather today. 

But here I am, walking down the sidewalk barely standing straight, moving ever so slowly to the sound of rain falling against the cement pavement.

The weight of the umbrella and the rain splashing on it was way too heavy for my weak and some-what broken (I think) arms to carry.

Not only that, I'm stumbling on the sidewalk so often people might think I'm drunk.

Which I'm not. I'm just hurt. 

physically, not mentally. 

This is what happens when you talk back to her. Oh how stupid I am. 

I angrily sigh to myself, I mean what was the use of an umbrella if I'm still getting wet? Might as well just buy a car yet take a cab.

Clutching the umbrella tightly as I think about the incident at school, I repeat the words. 

'Stupid girl'

'Stupid me'

Over and over again until I'm sick and tired of listening to those words and repeating them.

I was on the verge of throwing the useless umbrella away until a small whimper cut my thoughts off.  

Snapping my head towards the sudden sound curious on who or what made a sound. I start looking at where the sound came from. 

If it's a ghost I swear to God that I'll beat flash in a race with no hesitation. 

Finally, after looking for the sound for what seems like minutes, I find a cat shivering from the cold rain making my heart slightly sink down from such sight. The cat was so skinny that I could see it's bones poking out. Not only that, it was drenched in rain making it shiver from each droplets of rain that falls on top of it. 

Poor cat.

I slowly start limping to the cat as I crouched down in front of it placing the umbrella beside it shielding the cat from the rain. Taking out a handkerchief from the pocket of my skirt, I placed it around the kitten for warmth. As I wrapped the handkerchief around it, it rubbed its head against my palms as a thank you making a smile creep up on my face. Cute.

Smiling, as I was was about to stand up, it bites my palm...


this is the day I die

From fucking rabies

"Ouch!" I yelped out loud while shaking my hands to ease the pain which doesn't really work since it still stung painfully.

"Stupid cat" I angrily muttered at it. Inspecting my palms to see if the bite drew out blood, it's teeth weren't sharp enough to cut the skin so I gave out a sigh of relief knowing that I probably won't have rabies. 

I think. 

Wiping the bitten area with rain water, I start arguing with the cat.  "Here I am saving your ass from the rain to prevent hyperthermia and being sick, but you're here killing me... from a stupid animal disease" I harshly whisper to the cat trying to make it feel guilty.

Do cats even have feelings?

Can they even feel emotions?

Can they feel pain?

Am I mean?

I shake my thoughts away as I slowly stood up holding the wall for support still glaring at the cat as it looks at me innocently... 

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