Chapter 15) A helping hand

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Yesterday at 7:32am

Last night, a tall athletic looking guy with short ginger hair named Mark, explained that I have a choice to help their team with a mission they needed to accomplish, IF I want to go outside and back to school (this also includes me not telling anyone why I was away for 2 weeks). 

My dreams hopes and dreams were crushed once I forgot that me winning the fight didn't guarantee freedom.

What's the point of winning if my bragging right's don't get me freedom?

I mean, the only good thing that I totally forgot for the time I spent here is that Gray has been emailing the school to send both of us work they have been teaching this past week. 

I'm actually so glad he's in the same school as me.

That's the only thing I'm glad about him.

Surprisingly, since he's the one emailing the school for work, he's the one teaching me the lectures that has been taught.

Never thought that the stupidest guy I used to tutor would be tutoring me now. 

What a surprise. 

But apart from school work, the only thing I'm most worried about is my friends.

I wonder what they're doing right now? Hopefully they aren't celebrating my "death" because that would make me sad. Like really sad.

Anyways, back to the topic of the mission, I of course I agreed to help them with their mission they're doing this week because I don't think I can stay here any longer without wanting to rip my hair out of my skull. 

Luckily, the mission I agreed to will be easy and simple (that's what they told me), so that's good (I think).

Here's the summary of how the mission will go for me:

Seduce this guy named Lucas, bring him into a room, distract him as long as they need to, and then they'll break into the room kill him and save me. If worse things come to worse, I have a button to press if I became close to death.

Boom, mission done. 

Simple and easy. 

That was a lie.


Friday, 8:21pm 

*Time skip to a limousine getting ready to head to the mission*

Here I am in a limousine with multiple scary men and woman (which include Gray and all the guys) around me. They are all chatting about the mission while I just sit still awkwardly not knowing what to do or say to contribute into their conversation. 

I'm their secret weapon yet I don't even know what to do.

Nervousness tingles around me seeing that this mission I'm doing seems pretty serious and important. 

I swear if I fail I might as well accept death from all these people.

Hopefully once the mission starts, I get to be those cool badass people you see in the movies. 

Walking out of the building with Gray and the guys while explosions erupt from behind us.

Though it probably won't work since I get scared of loud noises, and the fact that I'll probably get caught in the explosion if I don't walk fast enough. And it's not like I can run, my dress is way too short for my liking. 

Despite the fact that it looks pretty. Way too pretty. Even prettier than me. 


The dress I'm wearing has a short mid-thigh length with an off the shoulder look. It's tight around my body which shows curves that includes my stomach rolls when I sit (hence why the jacket on my lap).

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