chapter 3 part 2) dramatic people

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Gray's POV:

Looking throughout the school trying to find Aurora, I find it slightly irritating knowing that I'm having troubles finding a 5'10 girl with a Dora looking hairstyle. Minus the bangs and instead add glasses.

Another thing is, I'm pretty sure I would have already founded her if a hundred girls weren't surrounding my every fucking direction. Like I know I'm hot, but you don't need to tell me every single fucking second of the day. 

This has gotten to the point where I almost pulled out a fucking gun on them. But luckily I haven't, for Aurora's sake. And mine too. 

Wait, what if she's hiding from me? I mean that could be a possibility since she almost raged quit mid-way while trying to teach me some math, but I don't think I was that dumb.

(Spoiler alert) It was all an act. 

What's the point of acting smart if she won't talk to me? The only way she will ever talk to me, is if I need help. Pro gamer move right there. 

The only difficult thing I am facing right now is where the hell she could be. 

As I keep looking for her throughout the hallways finally getting rid of all the girls, a body brutally crashes into my chest letting out a little "What the fuck?" Come out of me.

Quickly falling backwards with a stranger crashing down with me, I quicky hold the waist of the person out of instinct as we crash onto the floor with a loud slap while people around us gasp in surprise. 

Ah fuck I bet it's a teacher. 

Trying to gently push myself off the teacher- the more nervous I become hoping that this won't be a case of something I hope it shouldn't. 

A teacher crumbled down onto a students lap. 

What a fucking nightmare for both me and her.

The more I try to get the teacher off of my lap, the more I realize that it isn't one.

Oh thank the lord. 

Tilting my head down trying to get a good look on who the person I bumped to is, I come to find that Aurora is the one who bumped into me. 

Oh thank God again. 

I knew I found those Dora hair and harry potter looking glasses familiar.

But that's not the point right now, it seems like she was running away from someone or something as sweat builds up on her forehead. Staring at her frozen in my spot not knowing what to do, Aurora then looks up at me scared for some apparent reason.

As she looks up at me, our faces come extremely close together making me suck my breath in-between my throat. She's so close that if she we to shift under me, our lips would lightly brush against each other. 

And for some reason, she stays frozen in her spot not moving an inch and just sitting down staring into my eyes in surprise. 

I mean I would too if I were her. 

Once after a few seconds have passed of us staring at each other, she finally realizes what's happening and turns really red to the point where I almost laughed out loud because of how cute she looks. 

Quickly scrambling to get off me, I instinctively tighten my grip around my waist loving the warmth she was giving me when on top of me. "G-Gray! What are you doing?" she quietly whispers at me while making eye contact with the people around us warily. 

Smiling, I open my mouth wanting to say something to her to try to lighten up the mood, but immediately get shut up when a high pitched voice interrupts me.

"What's wrong with you?" Someone yells from behind her.

"Not only do you assault me for no reason, but here you are assaulting the new transfer kid! This is why no one likes you!" 

Looking over Aurora's shoulder in anger hating the fact that she is insulting her for a reason she has no say in, I watched a semi-short girl yell at Aurora with rage written all over her face. 

She looks familiar. 

Ehh could be one of the girls who surrounded me this morning. 

Looking back at Aurora feeling her shake in fear as she listens to the insults that short bitch is saying, I start asking if she's alright wanting to calm her down a bit.

And before I can get a word out to her, she hurriedly stands up getting off of me, as she runs to the direction behind me leaving me on the ground forgetting to apologize for bumping into me.

Okay, first day of school and nothing is going according to plan. 

"Hey are you okay?" The high pitched bitch asked breaking my thoughts off. 

Looking up at her not showing any emotions, I quickly get up off the floor  brushing the dust off my butt not giving her a glance as I walk towards where Aurora was heading to. 

Hearing her scoff behind me, she runs in front of me with both her arms out not giving me any space to move forward to where Aurora is. 

"Don't try to play hard to get Mr. Gray," she seductively said while crossing her arms under her breast pushing them up with some of her buttons undone. 


"Move." I coldly said not wanting to deal with her bullshit and just wanting to get to Aurora.

"What?" she says in surprise slightly taken back at my response. 

I raise my eyebrows at her not wanting to repeat my words. 

She stays frozen in her spot slowly crumbling down hating the fact that many people were watching her get rejected by the new kid. 

With her breathing heavily and fists balled up, she hesitantly steps to the side, out of my way taking her gaze away from me from anger. 

And as I walked passed her,  I hear her let out a small scoff and muttered 'Aurora will pay for this' to herself and to her friends not intending for me to hear too. And although I heard what she said, I don't let it get to me knowing that nothing will happen to her as long as I am here.

All I need to do is find Aurora and let her stay with me for the time being by asking her for help. 



School is literally over and I still haven't found her-

During the classes I took, I tried to look for Aurora throughout the lecture and still haven't found her to this day. 

It's that she either skipped class or I don't even have any classes with her (which is a pretty bad thing knowing that I went back to school just because of her). 

She better be better at her own house when I come back home. 


word count: 1196

Short chapter today! (And no not all POV's of Gray will be this short)

I really enjoyed making and editing this chapter only because there wasn't much to edit and I have so much more free time then I usually would have when editing a normal length chapter. But sadly, next chapter I'll have to do it normally now. Sad. But I hope you liked this chapter and will see you soon!

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