chapter 6) Accusations

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After two weeks of freedom and pain from helping Gray with his work and assignments, we are sadly back at the school where the free two weeks had initially started.

And not surprisingly, the murder was the talk of the school.

Many people (if not all) were talking about the murder and how they felt bad for poor Jessica. Many have also been thinking about who would do such things to her, like some monster was let loose. And some even started creating clubs based on solving who murdered her! This, I find really stupid of them.

But at one point, while I was walking past a group of people, I heard murmurs on how they think she deserved to die, which made my blood boil even though me and Jessica didn't have a great relationship.

Like what the heck! That's really not nice of them to say.

But as for the rest of the people, they just didn't care and acted like nothing has happened for the past few weeks and continued life just like it was before the murder.

People have no hearts these days.

Plus, what I've heard throughout the school is that only 2 or 3 people have transferred out because of this incident. To be honest, I thought at least 10 or more people would move out of this school, but I guess not. A murder seems to be like the least concern of their lives.


I'm having my lunch break right now, and here I am sitting down in a semi crowded room in the cafeteria with Annie and April sitting in front of me while talking about the murder once again.

"Dumbass she did not kill herself," April angrily whispers to Annie after she repeats the theory of suicide.

For a little bit of context, they have both been fighting on whether Jessie got killed or killed herself for the whole damn week which I found the argument stupid.

Of course she got killed.

It would be impossible to stab the back of your head multiple times while taking out one of your kidneys AND puncturing both lungs during the process, but no, Annie still thinks it's suicide even after the police confirmed it was murder.


"OH MY GOD ANNIE!" April complained tilting her head back as she drags both her hands down her face to control her anger.

"I'm just saying, that is possible if you ask me," Annie told the both of us with a smug look thinking that she was the smart one in this situation.

Just as I was about to insult Annie on how stupid her logic is, I get cut off by Kelly interrupting me with a loud scream.

"Aurora you bitch!" She yells making the cafeteria silent as they watch her scream at me with a hint of confusion and amusement in their eyes.

"What-" I said confusingly as April and Annie looks at her like she has six heads combined with her.

"Don't play stupid. I know it was you." She said in an accusing tone.


"You killed Jessie!" She screamed in anger making everyone in the cafeteria gasp out loud in shock.

"Excuse me?"

"That's right. I said it, you killed her." She points out with a look that I can't differentiate.

"And your proof where?" April interrupts her with a deadly glare.

"Well first of all, I've seen the way she looks at Jessica, it was all anger and jealousy! And what is one main reason on why people kill? ANGER AND JEALOUSY!! SHE KILLED JESSICA!"

My Weird Fate//Currently editingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ