Doctors appointment,

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"Anthony, you get back here. What did i say? What, did, i, say?!" A past foster father yelled at the top of his lungs, leaving bits of saliva to stick to Tony's face. "Are you going to answer me or stand there and there and look stupid?"
"You said to not go into the garden." Tony responded, his voice cracking with fear. His 9 year old self shaking at just being in this mans presence.
"And you went into the fucking garden!" The man violently shook Tony by the shoulders. "Are you stupid? You downgrade to here from your rich fucking idolised life and you think you can run the place?!"
"No sir." Tony squeaked.
"Are you sure? Im not sure i believe a shit talking prat!" The man screamed.
"I'm sorr-!" Tony was silenced by a slap hitting him across the face.

When Tony woke up the pain instantly awoke too, it pulsed through his joints and stomach making him feel ill, gasps emitted from his mouth as he recognised his surroundings. He tried to adjust his position though could barely do so much as a grunt. What was meant to be a reluctant nap ending up being a cruel nightmare.

"You're awake." Steve hummed, placing a hand on his shoulder. Tony couldn't verbally respond, he felt as if everything was going too slow. "Tired?" After e other pause with no reply Steve cocked an eyebrow, rolling Tony over onto his back. Though the forced movement made Tony cry out in pain. "Hey, hey you're okay. Im sorry." Steve gasped, looking at Tony's pained expression.

"What's going on? Is he okay?" Bucky ran in from the garage.

"I, i don't know. He just.. he wont talk, or.. he wouldn't move, i didn't mean to hurt him he just, he was worrying me, and-" Steve ranted, placing his palm under Tony's head to support him.

"Okay, alright." Bucky hurried round the sofa staring at Tony's limp body. "Hurts, does it bear?" They received a small hum from Tony. "Right, the plan is we pick you up and get in the car."

"No.." Tony sighed, shaking his head slightly.

"I know you're not a fan of hospitals as a frequent visitor, but this isn't right." Bucky said, placing his hand on Tony's forehead to feel the heat.

"Cant.. just achin'.." Tony craved the feeling of being able to move properly, "I just.. one minute."

"Tony this wont be resolved in a couple minutes." Steve muttered, slowly lifting him up.

"Stop!" Tony yelled, not wanting to be moved. "I cant."

"Ill phone the hospital, you get him comfortable in the car." Bucky ordered, running upstairs to find his phone.

"Please Steve." Tony whispered, his eyes becoming glassy with tears.

"Im sorry, kiddo." The blonde sighed, picking Tony up bridal style ignoring the hiss of pain from the teenager. "It'll get better."

"It's withdrawal, okay? I can wait it out, i promise." Tony begged, gripping Steve's collar as he tried to pull himself up.

"I'm not trying to hurt you." Steve stated, picking up the car keys with his little finger and uncomfortably having to open the door.

"Then put me down." Tony argued, having to fight his heavy eyelids.

"We just need another opinion at the minimum."

"What can they do? Honestly?" Tony raised his voice slightly.

"This isn't just about you, Tony. Yes it revolves around you, but how are Bucky and myself supposed to deal with it? Think of it that way." Steve growled, leaving Tony in silence. The boy had never even thought of it that way, he was aware that he was affecting his parents negatively but controlling the situation was obviously hard work. What if this was all some selfish act? Bucky came walking out of the house with a phone to his ear rambling on to whoever was on the other side while Steve made sure  Tony was sat well in the seat. Tony had only realised when he was first fostered how well these two treated him compared to the last, that's when he noted he doesn't appreciate it enough. Not as much as little 8 year old him would of just after he lost his parents. Sometime between Tony's thoughts Bucky had hung up the phone and gotten in the car.

"Tones, we got an appointment. It's with an doctor you haven't had before though." Bucky said, glancing back at the weak teenager.

"Oh." Tony responded quietly, not really caring. The drive there was close to silent, Steve focussed on the road, Bucky kept checking his inbox for a confirmation email, and Tony was lost in his thoughts of guilt. Wondering where that little, polite boy went. Entering the hospital was even worse, he hadn't experienced the severe side of his social anxiety in years. Maybe it was because of his intoxicated mind, but as clean as he was in the building it felt as if all eyes were on him. As if they all knew what he had done to get here. Bucky led them up to a floor when Tony would have his appointment, their arriving seemed to be perfect since they were instantly allowed to see the doctor.

"Hello," The doctor smiled, shaking hands with Bucky and Steve. "Im doctor Jones."

"Im James, who you were on the phone with. My husband Steve, and Tony." Bucky introduced them, sitting down in one of the chairs.

"So, this is Anthony Edward Stark?" The doctor seemed intrigued, talking in a very unprofessional tone.

"Tony, please." The teenager barely talked above a whisper as exhaustion gradually took control of his body.

"Tony then. So what do we believe is going on?" He sat down opposite the family, slightly hunched over.

"He said withdrawal symptoms, but they're very extreme." Steve stated, glancing at the teenager who was now leaning towards Bucky's shoulder.

"So, this would be after a substance abuse?" The doctor confirmed.

"Yeah." Bucky muttered. "He's currently in therapy."

"Do we know what sort of substances?" Doctor Jones asked, turning around to start typing on his computer.

"Tony?" Bucky glanced at the boy who now had his head on his shoulder.

"Anything not too expensive.." He yawned, wiping his eye.

"Right." The doctor responded through gritted teeth. "What are the symptoms?"

"Hurts." Tony uttered, his eyes now closed.

"Fatigue, lack of appetite, fever, headaches, general anxiety, and heavy use of painkillers if that counts." Bucky responds, though he can feel Steve's surprised expression to all the things he noticed.

The doctor turned back around. "I don't know if i should give Tony a prescription for anything. Maybe buprenorphine, but im not sure." The doctor said. "This may be one of those things you'll have to return for in a few days to see if it continues to be this severe."

"Oh." Steve made a small noise.

"Thank you, for squeezing us in. We'll come back soon if it does continue." Bucky mumbled, standing up. Tony seemed completely out of it, just nodding whenever someone mentioned him. "Lets go." They all headed out of the office on their way to the elevator before Tony froze.

"You okay, kid?" Steve said turning around when he noticed the boy not at his side anymore. Tony tried to walk forward though it was a mess of stumbles. "Woah! Slow down." Steve said, holding onto Tony's arms.

"What's up?" Bucky stepped back again with a concerned expression.

"I don't know." Steve responded with.

"Im fine.." Tony sighed, blinking a few times. Steve slowly let go, and within a second Tony collapsed to the floor out cold.

"Tony!" Bucky yelled dropping to his knees, a few people starred and a group of nurses came running over. "Tony, are you there? I need you to listen." Bucky rambled.

"Sir we need you to step away." A nurse said placing a hand on Bucky's shoulder.

"That's my son, he's my son." Bucky mumbled, Steve was silent on his knees cradling the boys head. Without another word the nurses had Tony on a stretcher while the two men followed. "Tony, im here bear. Right here." They ran across the hallway beside the group though were stopped outside of a room.

"Im sorry, you cannot go further than this point." A nurse said. "We'll warn you when something changes."

"No, let me in." Steve ordered, though was left with an shocked expression when the door was closed on his face.

"Fuck, Tony!" Bucky screamed, staring through the glass to get a peak and the boy who now had CPR getting preformed on him.

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