Parties, (3)

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Bucky and Tony stayed in the bedroom for a bit longer, mostly trying to recall what happened at the party. It was safe to say Tony wasn't hurt physically by anyone, he was slowly returning to his happier self once the headache wore off and tried to explain more enjoyable memories of the night which Bucky happily listened to.

"Hey Bucky, i need a favour." Tony sighed, it looked as if it had been playing on his mind for awhile by the look in his eyes.

"What's up?" Bucky responded, glancing down at the boy cushioned under his arm.

"I know you said no phone! But i need to apologise to Stephan, one text. That's all. I feel bad after putting everything on him." The boys pleads were understandable, and Bucky knew why he would want to apologise after practically relying on him to get home.

"Okay, one text." Bucky confirmed, stretching over to his bedside table to retrieve to the phone from the drawer, before leaning back before placing it in Tony's hands.

"Thanks." Tony hummed, unlocking it and swiping to Stephan's messages. Bucky could see they messaged a lot, and Tony already had a handful of messages from him that was sent this morning.

SS: Morning tony

SS: u okay u were pretty drunk last night??

SS:i hope ur not in too much trouble.

SS:Text me asap

Bucky smiled, it was soothing to know Tony had a friend which would look out for him. Tony's fingers quickly tapped against the screen typing his response in a small paragraph.

TS: Hey, sorry i didnt get back to you sooner. im okay, the punishments arent too bad but i wont be able to text for a month, my phone is getting confiscated.(Im basically grounded) its understandable why tho lol. i just wanted to say thank you, last night u were the best even when i ran off like an arse. Ill see you in school, thanks again

Tony pressed send, and almost instantly the text was marked read. Though Tony kept to his word with only one text and handed it back to Bucky. "Thank you." He smiled.

"No worries kid." Bucky sighed, "Hungry?"

"Starving." Tony stated with a chuckle, sliding out of bed. "Do you think Steve will blow up if he sees me downstairs?

"No, he'll be too indulged with his painting." That's what Steve always did when he was confused, upset, or even angry. He'd scribble away in a sketchbook or paint on a new canvas, it was a good form of therapy though the man would lock himself away for hours. They made their way down the stairs, the house was too quiet for comfort. The usually sound of the radio wasn't playing, the fan wasn't on, and the back door wasn't open giving the impression nobody was home. "What would you like?" Bucky broke the silence, pushing open the kitchen door.

"Uh. Smoothie?" Tony suggested, sitting on the island.

"And?" Bucky insisted, Tony had put on more weight since he had got there though he was still very small.

"Scrambled eggs?"

"Gotcha." Bucky smiled, grabbing the eggs from the fridge. "What's your plan for the rest of today?

"Still feel a bit.. er. Well, shit." That got a chuckle out of Bucky, he knew how it felt. Him and Steve used to go to the bar at least once a week and get drunk off their faces. "So after this I'm probably going to read then see if I'm lively enough to work on my science homework."

"Sounds good kid." Bucky hummed, "Mind cutting up some fruit?" Tony quickly obliged, jumping off the island and taking a knife from the drawer, then heading to the fridge to pick out what he'd like.


The day went fairly quickly, and soon enough Tony was in bed, Bucky was in the bedroom watching a movie too gory for anyone else's liking, and Steve had still kept himself locked away in his office. Bucky didn't regret how he acted with Steve, though he knew Steve would feel crap. Bucky didn't enjoy the absence of his presence in bed, it wasn't like they never argued though for it to last this long without one of them going to resolve it was unusual. Suddenly a click that seemingly echoed throughout the house was heard, by the squeak of hinges afterwards it confirmed that it was Steve's office door opening, the stairs creaked and Bucky adjusted his postured, a gentle knock was heard and the door was pushed open.

"I need a pillow." Steve said swiftly, his facial expression didn't alter. Bucky didn't exchange any words with him, only got one of the pillows beside him and approached the taller man, placing it in his hands and returning back to bed. Steve looked as if he were going to say something, his mouth half open staring in his partners direction though he had changed his mind, closing the door again and taking the same path downstairs.

It must have been another hour till Bucky couldn't concentrate on the moving anymore, if he didn't resolve it with Steve now it would end up in a series of fights over stupid things like the keys not being the the usual spot, or Tony's lunch money not being around. Bucky climbed out of bed, knowing the second he exits the room he can't turn around. The floorboards will give him away and make him look stupid if he turns around. It took some deciding on what he was going to say, and a few rewrites in his head before making his way down the stairs. Steve was curled on the sofa, his head placed on the cushion Bucky gave him and his body too long to fully lay down.

"We need to talk." Bucky announced bluntly, sitting on the arm chair away from Steve.

"Yeah?" Steve huffed, shuffling up and patting down his hair which was stood up in all different directions.

"You have to admit that what you said was fucked up, at the least." His arms were crossed across his chest defensively.

"La- Yeah okay. I'm sorry." Steve wished this whole fight would end, so the tension in the house would go to ease.

"Don't apologise to me, i'm not the one you hurt." Bucky sighed, keeping his eyes on Steve.

"It feels like your trying to be his friend instead of his parent James." Steve grumbled, he knew Bucky and Tony got on better than himself and Tony. They had more physical touch, more to talk about, they were open with each other. Steve had to work, he was too busy for that complete bond.

"I'm being there for him, okay. He lied, he will admit he lied, he feels guilty. There is no point making him feel shittier Steve. He is a kid at the end of the day, kids do stupid things." Bucky argued, a slight sternness appearing in his tone.

"I don't, Bucky i don't have that side by side bond with Tony. I'm busy, i wish i did but that kid loves you. So if i have to play bad cop, i will play bad cop." The blond huffed, adjusting his sitting position from his previous relaxed one.

"We don't need a good cop bad cop situation, he just needs parents. Decent parents that will guide him, he's a teenager. The more we say no the more he's going to do. You weren't any better when you were his age, it's like you blocked out all the times you got drunk."

"I wasn't underage." Steve mumbled, feeling shittier about how he snapped at Tony.

"You didn't go through the environments he did."  There was a pause before anyone said anything.

"I'll talk to him tomorrow." Steve glanced up, his eyes being the only noticeable thing in the darkness of the room.

"Thank you," Bucky sighed, "Now if you don't get your arse into upstairs i will beat you black and blue."

"Coming." Steve added, getting up and following behind Bucky.

They didn't exchange any physical touch that night, they kept their distance on the opposite sides of the beds. They just needed to get over their own relationship was free of arguments before Steve can ask Tony for forgiveness.

(Might go back to posting every other day<3Hope you have a great day/night)

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