"Onyx! I'm exposing you when we get home!"

"Not if, I expose you to him first!"

They stopped when they got to a room. I started pushing her in the room.

"Hey! What's going on?!"

I heard a groan.

"go over there." I whispered in her ear.

"i-i'm scared to."

"just do it."

"onyx i can't."

"yes you can. you were sent the address for a reason."

She took a deep breath. She walked up to the bed. I walked away. A few hours later, I walked back into the hospital room. I saw River and Alexia sleeping in the bed.

Okay that's cute.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry!"

I turned around. I saw Dakota.

"Don't be. Me and my fiancée are the same way. Especially during hospital stays."

"How old are you?"


"And you're already engaged and have kids?"

"Yeah. I've got one on the way too. Before you say anything..no. I didn't mess up my life. This has actually saved my life. I'll come back in the morning for her."

"A-are you sure?"

"Yeah. She likes him too. She was talking to me about him, last night actually."

"I assume it was a good talk."

"Oh yeah. It was a good talk. She was just telling me about him."

"Ah. He was talking about her a few nights ago. He was getting worried."

"He was?"

"Yeah. That boy she was with...he's trouble. River wanted to keep her safe."

"Safe from what?"

"The pain of being cheated on."

"This prick was cheating on her?"

"Yeah. River went crazy trying to figure out, how to tell her. He saw everything. I'm pretty sure...he was about to tell her today. I guess she doesn't know?"

"I don't think so. How does he know what cheating feels like?"

"His cousin was cheated on. She's a sweet girl. She called him crying the moment, she found out."

So he doesn't like when girls get hurt?

She was right?

"So he wanted to prevent that for her?"


"I wish he did. She told me about this mommy. She saw him with some..Lola girl?"

"Oh. Yeah...she's trouble that girl."

"How do you know?"

"She's our neighbor. She has parties all the time. Her parents are never home."

"Please don't think I'm rude for say this but..I don't feel bad. I mean yeah...my childhood wasn't the best but...she's the reason...my baby sister's first relationship..ended the way it did. Jen deserves more than that."

"She seems like a nice girl."

"She really is."

"I know this is probably asking too much but...please give him a chance. He's never been with anyone."

"I wasn't going to not give him a chance. I'll bring some clothes by, in the morning."

I went home and went to sleep. In the morning, I got clothes ready for Alexia. I got ready then got in my car. When I got to the hospital room, River told me, he was going on a walk with his mom. I walked into the room. I walked up to the bed. I poked Alexia's head. She opened her eyes.

"Oh good. You're awake. I brought you clothes."


"Dude..you've been here all night. You passed out."

"I-I did?!"

"Yeah. You looked really comfortable. I felt bad moving you."

"So you let me...spend the night...in the hospital...with a guy I just started talking to?"

"Yeah. He seems decent."

She sat up.

"Where is he?"

"He went for a walk with his mom. He'll be back soon, I think."

"I do not understand how...you're fine with this.."

"Eh. Primrose told me I gotta start trusting people. I talked to dad. He wants you to go to school tomorrow. I'll bring you back afterwards."

"Can I ask you something?"


"Where do you and Prim go for dates?"

My eyes widened.

"Huh? He asked you out?"


I pinched my nose bridge.

"We go to the movies or we go out to eat."

"Any recommendations?"

"Oh my god...you told me you didn't wanna rush into anything..."

"Who says I am?"

"Me. Does he even know about the baby?"

"Yes. He said he's fine with it."

My eyes widened.

"He's okay with it?"


"Did he mean it?"

"I did."

She immediately started fixing her hair. I stopped her. 

"Your hair looks fine. You don't have bedhead."

"Hey uh..Onyx? Can we talk?"

"Yeah. Okay."

We walked out of the room.

"I-I really like your sister. I-I have for a few years now."

"You've known her for a while?"

"We went to elementary school together."

"Oh? You went to elementary school with her?"

"Yeah...she just...disappeared one day. I always thought that was strange.."

"You don't know the reason...do you?"

"No. Not at all."

"She disappeared when she was 5. She just came back not even a year ago. Does she remember you?"

"I think. She told me, I should've said something to her."

"Hm. She does have a good memory. You should ask her that. Did you just move here?"

"Yeah. My mom got a new job."

We talked for a few more minutes. The next day, I brought my sister to school.

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