Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

- You'd better make yourself useful instead of martyring that hull. remarked the Holy Mother behind his back.

The man turned to face her.

- I have never done what you are asking me to do. Am I allowed to be nervous ? He hissed in a harsh tone.

The woman in the white coat smiled wryly.

- There's a first time for everything. she chuckled.

- Very funny.

At that moment, the door opened, startling Elder. He turned around as a dozen soldiers entered the room, carrying the two vampires. And carry was the right word ; Elder was surprised to see that the two young women could barely stand, and the soldiers almost had to carry them.

- In the end, this may be easier than I thought... the Holy Mother muttered as she watched the two vampires.

Her scornful, pityless gaze made the man shudder. This woman was a real viper.

While she gave instructions to her assistants, the soldiers tied the vampires to their respective bunks. Elder put his cell phone in his jacket pocket. With his other free hand, he checked that his gun was in his other pocket. Reassured, he took a few steps forward, toward the Holy Mother.

- Ready to go ? She said when he reached her.

He nodded. The sooner they started, the sooner they would finish.


Astrea struggled to regain her senses as she felt the pain of her wounds rekindle. Where was she again ? She had passed out when the soldiers had taken them, down that long, endless hallway. She glanced around. She was back in those torture chambers, just like the one she had been taken to a few hours before. Soldiers and humans in white coats hovered around her. Astrea forced herself to move her aching head a little ; her wounds confirmed her hypothesis: she was tied tightly to the bunk she had been put on.

Suddenly the voice of the woman in the white coat rang out in the room, making her flinch.

- Well, let's start. She said.

Two men in lab coats approached her. They moved her to a corner of the room, where she could see everything. She noticed Alice, opposite her, also tied to a bunk stuck to the opposite wall. The two women exchanged a look of panic. What were they going to do with them again ?

- Elder, you know what you have to do.

Astrea turned her attention to the man in the suit and tie. He was standing next to the woman in the white coat, a look of disgust on his face. He approached Alice, a small case in his hand.

- I am going to ask you my questions, in turn. The woman explained.

She was in the center of the room, with a box in her hand, straight, dominant.

- If one does not answer, it is the other who will suffer. She continued.

She turned to Astrea. Her impassive air betrayed no emotion. The little vampire noticed, however, the bandages wrapped around her arms and the marks around her neck. The little souvenir she had left him.

- I will start with you, Astrea Cullen.

A moment. The attendants left the room, and only two soldiers remained by the door, weapons drawn.

- What are your powers, vampire ? The woman asked.

Astrea pressed her lips together. Across the room, Alice frowned. She kept scrutinizing the woman, looking for a weak spot to make her flinch.

- Elder.

The man winced at the woman's command. However, he pressed the button on the box.

Alice writhed in pain as the poison in her veins did its work. The man approached her, without pressing the button again, and said :

- You and your friend had better answer the questions. It will save you a lot of pain.

Astrea did not loosen her jaw, glancing at the woman and Alice in turn.

- What's up ? Pressed the woman in the white coat.

The little vampire felt her irises turn red, and anger burned deep in her chest.

- It is good stop ! Exclaimed she finally. I will answer.

Elder hurried to stop Alice's pain, and she sank into unconsciousness. The woman in the white coat smiled in triumph.


A new chapter every two days from ten o'clock (French time)!

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