"Can you come home now we need to talk about something its about Shelby" I said, Puck didn't say anything and just hang up.

After a few minutes Puck and Rachel arrive.

"We are here so what about my mom?" Rachel said.

"She is here and she wants revenge she will not stop if you and I get married, I met with her earlier I explained to her that me and Quinn are no longer together but she won't believe me and she is going to tell Quinn about us but I stop her and that is where the problem starts" I said they looked at me confused.

"I told her that I will marry" I admitted.

"What!" They both said in unison.

"You know we can't marry eachother its not right m and beside I won't take your child away from you, I don't want to hurt my boyfriend too I loved him" Rachel said.

"I have no choice Rach, she is going to tell Quinn the truth I have to protect her we may not be together but I still care for her I will do anything just to protect maybe I failed as her boyfriend but I will not failed her as her friend" I said.

"Why don't we just tell her the truth because this is stressing me out and its not good for me" Rachel said.

"How about we get married?" Puck said to Rachel, we both looked at him.

"Won't my mom be mad at us if we did that" She asked Puck.

"I don't care about what your mom say, I won't let you marry Finn, so what if she hurt me then let it be, I will fight for you, for us whatever it takes, I want to be with you in fact I have thinking of marrying you for awhile" He said kneeling down in one knee and open a box with a beautiful ring that I have ever seen.

"Rachel Berry will you marry me, will you make me the luckiest man on earth" He said, Rachel just stood there not saying anything.

"Puck I don't know what to say you have been supportive with me all the way, you love for who I am and accept my baby even you are not the father so I will be stupid if I will not say yes to you" Rachel said and Puck is in tears.

"Noah Puckerman yes I would gladly marry you" She said Puck stands up put the ring on her finger and kiss her.

"Wow I didn't see that coming but congratulation to the both of you" I said. I remember how I asked Quinn to marry me and she said yes that was the happiest day in my life but its all in the memories now.

"I hate to ruin the moment so how will this help our problem" I asked.

"Lets tell Quinn the truth my mom can't do anything about it if me and Puck got married and if Quinn knows about our baby real father then we got nothing to worry about" Rachel said.

"Are you sure about that, isn't that risky?" I asked she shooked her head.

"I am tired of hiding Finn, I am tired of lying and keeping secrets can't you see Quinn is the one who will be affected the most because she doesn't have any single clue on what is happening I care about her and I am afraid what my mom can do but I don't know what to think or do anymore rather than telling her the truth" She said, she is right all this hiding and secrets ruin everything I had so maybe its time to come clean.

"You are right Rach sorry I doubted you and I have to go" I said leaving the room to find Quinn.

"Where are you going dude?" Puck shouted.

"I have to get my girl back, I will take the risk I will tell her the truth I don't know how she will react or feel but I don't want to lie to her anymore" I said.

"I wish goodluck men and I hope she understands" He said.

"And don't worry I will also talk to Quinn about our baby we will help you with Quinn its the least I can do for everything you do for us" I smiled at Rachel.

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