Chapter Ninety-Three

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"Can't be any worse than hockey practice," Danny pointed out, making everyone laugh. Robbie gave a sort of shrug and a nod.

"Yeah, you're right it really can't be," he agreed. "But why do I continue to let the Brooks family torment me all the time?"

"Because you love us," Julia reminded him as the snowballs slowly came to an end. Everyone's cheeks were rosy with the cold, and they breathed heavily from the exhaustion.

"I bet we can convince my mom to make us grilled cheese and tomato soup," Kathy thought aloud. Both Danny and Kelly agreed enthusiastically, and soon they were racing to get their skates off and get inside. Julia and Robbie watched the three of them go, taking their time as they sat to take off their skates.

"How's it feel to be home?" Robbie questioned her as they enjoyed a rare moment of alone time.

"It's nice," Julia smiled. She tried not to blush, but she failed. "Jack told me he loves me."

"He did?" Robbie asked, raising an eyebrow. "And you reacted by...?"

"I said it back," Julia admitted, looking up at Robbie with a nervous smile. Robbie smiled, looking out over the pond.

"I knew you two would be good for each other. I can tell he cares about you," Robbie looked over at her, nudging her shoulder with his own. "I'm happy for you, Jules."

"Thanks," she said sincerely. "Can you believe all that's happened since August?"

"No," Robbie chuckled. "When are you leaving?"

"Um...well, I haven't told anyone this yet. I wanna get it worked out before I get anyone excited. I think I'm gonna stay. You guys leave for New York in like a week anyway. So I might just stay here and go back to California after the games," she explained.

"And that would mean you'd get to spend your birthday with us," Robbie pointed out.

"Which would be great," Julia nodded. "The only potential problem is that the label wants to throw an album release party. I don't have a ton of control over when they want it to be. And I kinda don't have a choice about going."

"Well, obviously not. It's an album release party for your album. You have to go. Plus, aren't you ready to get back to it all?"

"I guess," Julia shrugged as they got up, walking toward the house. "I've kinda enjoyed my time off. Sometimes it makes me wonder if I screwed up when I ran away and joined a band. I could've graduated high school and stayed here."

"You really think you ever could've been happy? Do you think you could've even been content?" He asked with a frown. "Just thinking back to sixteen-year-old Julie I can't imagine her not wanting everything you've achieved."

"I know, but sometimes I can't help but think that I did it all because I was chasing Sylvia. I was chasing the love I never got. And the attention. I don't miss it as bad as I thought I would," she continued.

"You know I support you regardless, but I think you're crazy for even thinking that. It's like you're forgetting just how talented you are, and how much you love music. So maybe you like attention, but you can't deny your musical talent. You always seemed so happy on stage. Fame be damned, but you couldn't give up the music," Robbie argued. Julia took in his words, mulling them over as they entered the house.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," she conceded. She trusted Rob to know her, sometimes better than she knew herself.

"Yeah, I'm always right," he grinned.

"How are you feeling about the games coming up so soon?" She asked, figuring it was Robbie's turn in the hot seat.

"Nervous," he confided in her with a deep breath. "I feel good. I feel as prepared as we can be. Just nervous."

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