TRIGGER WARNINGS - MC secretly takes anxiety/ depression medications

Start from the beginning


You observed the picture of the young blond-haired woman and your husband. Once again your fears hit you, your breathing began to get heavier, your hands began to tremble, and got all sweaty as your thoughts went crazy again. In front of the picture, you broke down, your knees supporting you on the cold floor as your nose almost touched the floor. You tried to breathe in and out but you failed. What if Yoosung would leave you? Hate you for not being like Rika?Or trying to find once again similarities between you and the deceased perfect girl to just find a reason to still stay by your side? You couldn't handle the thoughts and opened the drawer with the last strength you had in your arms to take out the pills you hated the most. You took two, one of them was deeply red and the other one white. Both of them tasted awful but still, you needed them. Even though they made you lose your hair a lot and made you gain weight, your thigh feeling around your chest would get better immediately. But you still weren't used to the side effects of the medicine. ,,Try to hold it in...try....'' you mumbled to yourself. You laid back on the cold floor as tears streamed on the floor. But then you heard the door's click and some steps. ,,Mc why are you laying on the floor?" he mumbled with a kind, soft voice. ,,Huh? Mc! Are you hurt? W-why are you crying?" Yoosung mumbled softly and sat on the floor with you. You were scared, the thought that he could see your medication scared you and so the urge to hide it got bigger and bigger. You groped on the floor until you got them, while Yoosung looked at you.But as clumsy as you were you let them fall once again, making your husband look at your hand. ,,What's that...?" he asked you still softly and took the medication to read its name. His smile quickly faded as he observed you, who were still on the floor. Your tears were still flowing and immediately you tried to get up.,,What's that?" he asked you but immediately went on. ,,Why do you need to take it? Why did you hide it?" he mumbled and immediately cried with you. ,,Yoosung...." you kept sobbing and began to hyperventilate. ,,MC!" he yelled and abruptly got up to take a paper bag. ,,Please....please calm down please I'm here, I'm here I love you....!" he told you. Your breathing got better you however collapsed into his arms, sweat was on your front as you grabbed your shirt. ,,Mc...why did you hide it?" he asked you. ,,I....I was so scared, Yoosung!" you began to whisper. ,,I was scared that you would leave me because....because I wasn't as perfect as Rika was....I didn't want you to be disappointed...." you sobbed. Yoosung hated himself, he thought that it was his fault that you were like this, scared and afraid. Only his fault... Yoosung's heart ached as he hugged you. He tried to mumble sweet things to you but right now you seemed deaf at his words. ,,The two of you are completely different people...I love you as a woman, I want to protect you and cherish you...I want to own your please be totally different from yourself and however you will be, I will love you."


,,Mc..." Jaehee mumbled as she stroked your back while you vomited into the toilet. Please please please please please please don't make her notice, worry, don't....You thought as the side effects of the medication hit you once more. ,,We should go to the medical, Mc....since days you have been feeling're always dizzy and don't eat at all.... ''You wanted to say something as nausea hit you once more, making you gag again. ,,I will bring you something to drink..." Jaehee mumbled and left you alone for a moment. She entered the kitchen to take a glass when she noticed that the water had run out. ,,Well then, water from the bath will do it too..." she mumbled and went to the bathroom to fill the glass. Unfortunately, she noticed that your drawer was open and while closing it, she noticed two boxes. She oddly looked at them, realizing that these were depression meds. She felt sick and her hands began to tremble, why would you take them? And since when? How come you never shared your pain with her? She decided to approach you with the pills while you washed out your mouth in the sink. Jaehee entered the little toilet and observed you. ,,Mc, could it be that your symptoms are side effects of the medication you're taking?" she asked you. Your eyes grew as you noticed her holding the pills. ,,Jaehee...." you began to sob immediately. ,,I know...I know Mc but why didn't you tell me?" she asked you, perhaps her voice was a bit too annoyed. ,,I'm sorry...I really am....I thought that you wouldn't like me...we don't know each other so long time and didn't want to scare you with this..." you told her and looked down. Jaehee felt bad, out of the blue she began to cry with you, hugging you and comforting you. The two of you stayed together like that for a long time, you still were scared, what if she would leave you now that she knew your problems? While Jaehee was asleep you went out of your shared room and searched for the pills, took the portion for the day, and sank to the ground, crying.

Mystic Messenger Headcanons, OneShots and FanFics Part 2Where stories live. Discover now