★ 55 ★ Forever & Ever, I will be yours ★

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Who says love isn't beautiful? None... Even the creator himself have baptized 'love' as the most divine creation. This merely 4 letters word, holds an infinitude to embrace and drown in profusion of feelings. Indoctrinates us boundlessness.

Under the gigantic pomegranate tree, both Anirudh and Bondita laid in the wet green land, tranquillizing each other in arms. Blush re appeared on their faces, every time the water droplets from the leaves would kiss their face. The feelings they encountered was something soo special they would remember it to their death bed. It was soul stirring, full with hopes, something really promising for their envisaged future.

A future which conjured up an image of their togetherness.

"Sakha babu?" Bondita shyly addressed him burying her face in his chest, feeling the damp kurta beneath her flushed cheeks.

"Hmm?" He just smiled gazing the blankets of cloud over his head. Silence was the thing, he wanted to cherish that time, love was the thing he wanted to feel that time. Thus pulled her more closer to him, snaking his arm protectively around her.

She coyly placed her bangle laden hand, on his chest, giving him the task to play with them. How much she relished the music of these bangles, when he would play with them ever gently! His strong fingers running down her wrist and finally counting the numbers of her spherical ornaments, etching the waves of air around them with its musical ariose. And she would just sink into the euphoria.

He slowly kept his rubicund cheeks over her damp tressess and whispered, "Bondita, say something".

She could say he was desperate inside. Since the last moment they had kissed each other mutually, his chatterbox Bondita, had gone quiet. Only thing that she would start her sentence and end with was his name. But she was helpless. Her heart was fluttering rapidly making her go speechless each time she would start off.

At the same time, she knew how much it was important for him to know what she felt.

"Are you...." His voice cracked. She knew, her butterflies was making him feel guilty unexpectedly. "Are you...embarrassed just because of the act of love we performed?"

Startling, him by the ounce of moment she got up slightly and hovered over him from side, supporting herself by applying force of his broad chest with the hand he been playing on.

As soon as she looked back in his eyes, she saw tears beaming at the brinks. She could decipher the fear he was covering up and she knew if she fails to remove this sheath of feelings from him right now, then its going to be never.

He gulped nervously finding her glancing at him with keen gaze. Her strands of hairs slowly brushed his face as she leaned over him, causing his breath to hitch again. And she sloped her face over his face until he closed his eyelids.

Being in such intimidating postion, glared at his shamefaced, and started in a low tone, "Shy yes, embarrassed no."

Her single statement made him open his eyes, allowing him to come out the darkness he had been creating around himself just by that.

She continued, " Why do always feel, I am discomfited and not coy? There is a slight difference between these two feelings... I would have been stumped, had it felt wrong. You know this kiss. But Sakha babu it never did. I was shy, because it happened and I love the fact that it did. More than happy that it was with you, my first kiss to share. I was just coy, because I wanted to christen my bubbling feelings as love. I was shy just because this how a girl feels, comfortable and loving around her partner. And I am not embarrassed, atleast not for the thing, which made feel and touched like a women. I was just shy and I am still shy..."

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