★ 43 ★ Darkness & Feelings ★

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Note : Second update for today! Make sure you vote the part 42 - Beauty of Love lies in pain. And this one too.!


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"Bondita baby, tell this guy that you really want to participate with me....." Chris gritted his teeth in response to Alif's roar.

Bondita was already having a hard time in breathing. With trembling hands she gripped on Alif's arm and said panting for breath, "Please agree..... To what...they say..... Let me participate...."

Alif juddered at her sudden gesture, though acknowledging her condition wiped the sweat beads from his face and replied calmly, "Bondita listen to me....he is just flimflamming with us. Just cool down first and take deep breaths ok? Trust me please....."

Alif was extremly uncomfortable because of the way Bondita's hand was wrapping his arms, still ignoring his fraught feelings, yelled back to Chris, "You spoilt child she is not going anywhere! Go to hell...got it?"

"Your choice! Let go guys, lets see how long these lovers can say here...." Chris enounced to his gang and left leaving Alif and Bondita indentured inside the tenebrous multipurpose room.

"Alif...why the hell you always do like that? I absolutely can't breath in this lurid place!" Bondita stated her disgruntlement to Alif.

"Oh really? Now I am the miscreant? Fine! Can't you just understand that this phobias are nothing but your pestilential imaginations! For god sake understand this! Take deep breaths and sit here without making any fuss. Please! Let me find out a way....." Alif admonished Bondita and getting rid of her painful grip made her sit on the floor aside. He softly caressed his arm and hissed a little. Her nails must have left their bruise and notch on his skin.

"Dusht babu...." Bondita sat on the floor unwillingly & inflated her mouth, hiccups taking in place. Alif heard her and rolled his eyes in indignation. This girl was scarcely credible on his part.

"Wait I have something...." Alif said slowly and checked out for his pockets only to bring out a small tube like container. Bondita couldn't correctly deciper the thing in this crepuscular & sunless place.

"What is it?" She asked and in reply a small fleck of fire flamed without any presage making her have a mini heart attack "what the hell..." She shrieked out as a knee-jerk reaction.

"Lighter...." He scoffed "Are you seriously Ms. BD? Like she is so caitiff? I didn't knew. I just knew the girl who knew to be bold and disturb me all time by her mischiefs! Whatever! Take this lighter you will feel better seeing light."

Alif kneeled know beside her and handed her the lighter from where a small fire ball was blazing with its might. Slowly forwarding her hand, Bondita took the lighter from his hand while maintaining an eye contact all the time.

In the dimly lighted room, the only source of that orangish light was the small fire lighter. Alif looked back at Bondita. Drops of perspiration trickling down her temple to her curvaceous chin, shimmering under this smoldering lustre.

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