★ 34 ★ Devotee of Love ★

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Stress reliver chapter ahead.


Drowned in an unkempt predicament, Som and Anirudh shared glances, for whom to start first. Loosing in the eye melee, Anirudh suspired in impotence. Thus gulping down the lump of water in his kisser and replenishing his lungs with dry air, Anirudh mumbled some inaudible orisons and started in a feminine tenor, meekly glaring at Badhoni.

"Namaste Badhoni malkin! We are roopa and soma. Zamindar Trilochan Roy Chowdhury have sent us here to conduct some rituals of your pre wedding!"

As soon as Anirudh completed, Badhoni contemplated them with her deep black eye balls. Finding something queer in their sudden appearance and vocal Badhoni asked sternly, "And why are these occult rituals for?"

Ashamed of her grand daughter's query, Kali spoke in a warning tone, "Badhoni, your father is going to kill both of us, if listens to you speaking in such an odious manner with the guest! They are from your in-laws keep that in mind. I will go out and keep a check outside till Roopa and Soma complete the rituals here! And keep in mind, I want no masquerade. No farce, remember!" She completed and left the room locking the door from behind, leaving Anirudh and Somnath in front of this relentless lady.

"Complete the rituals fast! I am soberly bent out of shape." Badhoni told grimly while forcing her scrutinizing gaze on the brother duo.

"Yes, Badhoni malkin. But first I have to tell..." Som was impeded by her, "No if and buts please. Just finish the rituals first."

Som gulped in trounce and squeezed Anirudh's hand for help. Anirudh blinked his eyes in nonchalance and went towards Badhoni. Going infront of her he sat on his knees on the floor with a small auspicious platter in his hand and an epistle in it.

"Badhoni malkin, the rituals won't be taking much of your time. But this rituals will surely mend your whole life. It will give you something soo precious that you will thank your left over life for it." Anirudh told her catching her full attention on him.

Badhoni seemed to be calmed down by his sweetened words and nodded in agreement. Receiving her consent Anirudh continued further, "Badhoni malkin, tell me something what is love to you?"

"Love?" She was a little surprised but covering it replied softly, "I think love means to be dumbbell." Anirudh's eyes dilated whilst she grinned at her own words, "yes, it is. Being in love is a feeling of bliss. Something that hardly allows you to understand your circumambient. It is a passion, which makes us ready to sacrifice ourselves. Again it is the one which makes us obsessive to obtain something rightfully belongs to us. There is answer to every question in this world except the reason behind human falling in love. Thus love is undoubtedly unique. If someone tries to answer why they have fallen in love, I think they never got in true love. Cause we need no reason to love except finding a perfect soul. Just like I fell in love with a perfect soul."

"Does it happen between two people who never met?" Anirudh enquired.

Smacking Anirudh's head lightly, Badhoni replied laughing, "Are budhdhu! How can that happen? Have you gone nuts? Love is not destined to all dear, its special. Every person in this world who are destined to fall in love have to get the star matching in sky too. And if they got the matching there, they are preordained to meet. Thus it can never happen between two persons who never met."

Anirudh in mind, "I really don't get it. If Badhoni got such deep analysis of love, how come she fell in love with me? And on note, if she knows that the persons who never met each other, can never be in love, then how she is stating her admiration for me as love? She is so well aware of the fact that we two never met each other! Why am getting some different vibes from her words? She is mysterious.".

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