★ 37 ★ Pregnancy & Romantic Novels ★

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"Where is everyone Bihari?" Asked Anirudh to a rushing Bihari, as he entered the Haveli embellishing himself as Anirudh again from Roopa. "In Sampoorna Malkin's room Malik. They are with the vaid ji." Bihari informed panting.

Anirudh enquired, "Vaid? Something happened to her?" "Oo Malik...." Bahari scratched the back of his head dubious of how to answer.

"I will tell you Anirudh." They heard Kaka saying as he walked down the stairs which joined the living hall. "Kaka... " Anirudh softly said and Bihari sprinted dowards the kitchen for nothing special.

"Sampoorna bahu is expecting." Kaka mildly said, clearly unhappy at the news. Though a shocker still maintaing a neutral expression Anirudh replied, "Oo..."

Descrying Anirudh's dispassionate expression Kaka mocked, "Binoy had already guessed that you are not letting me to play with a kid at this old age, thus he himself planned for a child."

"Kakaaaa..." Anirudh winched, "Just.... Please its their matter whether they want to plan a child or not. And for god sake stop expecting from me, cause its not happening any sooner... I am tried of giving elucidation."

"Fine Anirudh! You are right. I should stop reckoning. Its wrong for an old person to expect a grandchild. Fine!"

"I have nothing to say. I am going...to study."


"Where were you and Somnath this early morning? Its getting almost dusk and now you are returning home?"

"We went to Badhoni's house..."

"What! Don't say you cancelled the marriage Anirudh... I will..."

"Marriage is not cancelled but the groom is changed."


"Kaka its Somnath."


"Yes, Badhoni and Somnath loves each other Kaka. And rest is a fairy tale. I was there with Som to mend the things. We just talked to Badhoni regarding this and rest we need to confer about it with the senior figures."

"But... Anirudh...these.! Why didn't that brat, that pipsqueak told me these the very day Badhoni came to our house? I would have redress the things then. This lad! What shall I do with him?"

"He was shy and scared of telling this to you..."

"Shy, scared? As if a cat? I am really in scepticism that how is Somnath a Roy Chowdhury? You both Father and Son don't even feel the prerequisite of asking before bring your wife to the threshold of the door and he is scared of confessing his love? Is he really a Man? I doubt, I really do."

"Was this a derision, Kaka?"

"Anything you acquiesce in"

"Let it be praise then....." Anirudh sighed.

"Gadha...." Kaka hit his crane on the ground and left the place not wanting for an wonted argument.

Later that, afternoon, Anirudh was in the terrace enjoying the mild zephyr sitting on the swing, enjoying the clement weather. The reddish ball was peeking slightly from the end of horizon where his eyes were fixed. Lost in deep thoughts. He was donned up in a mild yellow kurta which looked more like orange due the mellow rays and a white dhoti which danced along the breeze. His small hairs fell on forehead time to time asking him to blink not to get too lost in the dusking sky.

It concocted at beautiful and picturesque view to look for an entity. What he missed was the warmth, warmth of her, his Bondita.

How engrossing those days were when he and she would sit together on this swing in other arms with a cup of coffee on their hands, sipping and whispering each other sweets till the sun would set.

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