★ 36 ★ Exposed Truth ★

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As soon as Badhoni's sloppy lips touched his forehead for a propitiating buss, Somnath's eye lids fell on their own accord, giving his heart to her at that moment. The kiss gave him placation, effacing the last scabbard of 'doubt' that was haunting him somewhere.

Was it too much, in any way? Who cares even if its so? Its them, their moment and they only got the carte blanche to cherish and adore their moment they want!

Standing back on her feet, she looked back in his eyes only to find them closed in pure bliss and euphoria.

" I am so sorry for being your miscreant, Somnath babu. But I was forced to lie, as I had no other option than it." Tears made their way through her cheeks then to chin as she apologized again.

"Its ok Badhoni..... You aren't at fault. Don't be sorry. I am glad that atleast my love isn't one sided and if god wishes it won't be incomplete either." Somnath assured her and wiped off the tear droplets from her chubby cheeks with his thumbs sensually, closing his eyes again.

Badhoni tried to step back to create a passable distance between them but the tenacious grip on her slender waist halted her from doing so. Chuckling on his sweet endeavor to hold her intimately, she cupped his face lovingly and whispered in a provocative tone, " Somnath babu, I have already confessed my love, now won't you say those 3 magical words from your lips, my ears are long yearning for?"

Her statement build up the unusual churning inside him that demanded his eyes to open them and have a glance at her. 

"I already said that to you...." He played with her. She had made him crave for so long, and now he is going to take his revenge back.

The savage reply made her go crazy and winched like a child "But thats on the epistle only! I want to hear it from you Somnath babu..."

Smirking at Badhoni, Somnath leaned a little forward and husked into her ear, "Thats not happening any longer soon, Dear. You need to feel the craving just like I did....."

Blushing Badhoni replied, "I already craved that Somnath babu.... I did... And its not from months but from years. Only had not baba stopped me, I would have confessed way back long this to you...."

All this time, Anirudh had been standing beside the railing of the terrace turning his back to them, not wanting to invade in their conclave moment. The moment, Badhoni recalled him about her Baba, Anirudh instantly turned back to finish their incomplete conversation.

"But why is uncle stopping you Badhoni?" No sooner Anirudh asked this question, clearly not gazing the romantic couple, both the love birds parted and hunged their head down feeling extremely abashed.

Really? They were romancing infront their elder dada.... Lucky he is unorthodox minded.

"Just because he wants me to marry you Anirudh babu. More to be specific the best barrister in Tulsipur..." Badhoni replied concealing her blush.

"Why?" Somnath enquired trying to feel normal again after the high rush of adrenaline.

"Somnath babu, Anirudh babu you two already know that my father is a businessman but have you ever tried to find out what business he does?" Badhoni asked, abhorrence filling her up.

Anirudh and Somnath glared at each other and passed an imperceptible nod.

"I guessed the answer to be no. Lemme tell you what he does. He is indulged in black business." Badhoni replied smiling at her fate.

Somnath gasped with the revelation whilst Anirudh stepped towards them more narrowing his eyes. Lips failing to form words.

"Shocked right? I was shocked too when I learned it for the first time. Baba is the biggest supplier of the black good to the marketers in Tulsipur. He have good connections with the underground people and with them he is successfully handling his goods & factories..... Be it collecting drugs from foreign countries or stealing the chandan wood from his motherland's forestry resource, nothing is hard for him. Even the polices were with him as they were feed a large amount of bribe.... There is a saying you know, "If goat makes friendship with grass then what will he eat?" But seems like the those dishonest policemen were highly profited against this saying." Badhoni confessed.

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