★ 39 ★ Unloved Bride, Beloved Groom ★

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My love,
My paradise,

Never did this foolish heart knew loving someone could be so blissful till I met you.

Marmalade hewed rays from the slanted sun merging with the cantaloupe shade nebulous fragment kissed the mother earth, stealthily peering through the windows. The contrapuntal musics of feather friend etched the waves of breeze, that made the whitish clouds rush like an unfasted kite towards the bay.

As if the clouds were the waves and the infinity was her shoreline, she was desirous of stumbling upon.

The soft schmaltzy wind whirled around the hazy corners , sporadically dusting away the idle sitted books of the desk. As the radiant glimmer traversed through those diaphanous curtains, silence was replace by the mellifluous tune of the anklets, only to be heard by him.

Sunlight bussed the cursive ink words of the daffodil colored paper, forming a light dark shade against it as the ink pen walled its way.

But those all writen epistles remain unread by them.

Days rolled with the playdown of dusk and dawn and 6 month elapsed like this. Both Anirudh and Bondita being on the two opposite poles of the earth, denuded of each other's warmth, love, companion and emotional support.

Unknown of the devious stratagems, both souls kept complaining to the sun and moon, 'why this punishment?' Tears had created a ceaseless river, drifting the two ends more apart.

One black-hearted plan turning the new leaves dry again.

Writing piles of letter, ainticipating thousands of call, visioning millions of dreams & result? Just a heartbreak in return.

He had a sleepless night, his eyes sore, wrinkles on face, hair messy kissing his face, hands trembling writing letters after letters. They were just epistles, rather they were his heart itself. And Bondita? She was sailing on the same boat with him.

Letter to his unloved Bride :

My Bondita,

How are you doing my querida? I know you must be in pink health, but your Sakha babu isn't Bondita.... He isn't.... It has been an endless 1 month, I have last hold you, seen you & heard your voice.

Many things have changed here since past 1 month. My sweet family is breaking Bondita. Its crumbling down faster than air. Everyone's changed here, especially my relationship with Kaka. We hardly have any healthy conversation with each other and reason you already know.

Sampoorna Ma has entered her 3rd month and Baba along with her, have moved to Kolkata as Kaka showed his dejection to her unborn child. And it was I who insisted Baba for this.

I know, What Sampoorna Ma did in past in unforgivable but Bondita, I have seen the change in her attitude now. The motherly instincts in her is changing her for the best. I have seen her staying awake the whole night, sitting on the foyer of temple, just crying due to the objections she is facing by people. Infact Baba's smile too used to get lost. No matter what, that child is as dear to him as We are.

The only people left in this 4 walled home of ours is Somnath, who tries to have a chit chat with me when he gets time for leisure. And Batuk? Looks like the young man loves to spend his whole day out only.

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