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Bondita's Provision

I felt my inners clench mercilessly at Sakha babu's unwelcomed question. The moment I nodded negatively in response to his question, he stood numb, as if a still living body. His eyes welled up and he began to process something, I failed to decipher.

I started connecting the dots and one thing stuck my mind was his confidence about the letters. He is asking if his epistles never reached me. This clearly ment he wrote letters but unfortunately they never reached me.

But why? Why they never reached?

Again a trick was played for the nth time. I had grasped it well.

Tears accumulated in my eyes, recalling how ill I spoke to him. Without delaying, I stepped towards him and cupped his face gently looking for any guilt. But no there wasn't. To be honest I sensed confusion and even more there was hurtful realisation.

And rest all I could was to comfort him. I sobbed sorries for behaving rude and took him in a hug, caressing his back and arms, working on with umpteenth hurdles to ease his heart.

I stood in pin drop silence and started hearing all of his words with attention. Only if I could reverse time and mend these things but, Alas, we can't and maltreat back our wrongdoers.

For a split moment Sakha babu's eyes wandered in the pitch dark room and before I could ask him something more, he had already professed his heart to me.

Pulling me closer in dark, his warm breaths tickling my nose and lips but caring least about this perilous proximity he whispered ever lightly "Bapas chalo us ghar! Meri Dulhan banke! Aniruh Roy Chowdhury ki Dulhan!"

Bloods in my veins stopped rushing and freezing at points owing to Sakha babu's unforeseen proffer.

What the hell on earth was he speaking?

Is this even a joke? Are we somewhere in a circus? Didn't he knew the exact reason for our marriage nullification? Why was he being so unfeasible?

I know child marriage law works only for girls who are of 16 or below and fortuitously its my sixteenth birthday today.

But the main point is his sudden proposal doesn't make sense. To marry him, again when he himself clearly once enounced this to me that we aren't ment to be together.

Our life will be beautiful till we stay apart like the parallel tracks of the train and the moment we meet it will mark an ending.

Then why?

I didn't trust my lips to utter a single word at that moment. What shall I even answer?

A yes, just because I love him. Or a no, just because I don't want to chain himself with me again.

Right now too many emotions clouding inside my mind and I wasn't ready enough to process any new conundrum. Thus I closed my eyes and let a deep breath out unable to explain myself to him this time.

As soon as I close my eyes, I felt his warm lips being placed on the crown of my head. Perhaps he took my silence as my approval though it was really not.

May be I wasn't ready for this sudden shunt.

Once it was my dream, my only ambition to be Sakha babu's wife, when the erroneous beliefs of this stereotypical society gripped my small novice brain. All these dreams splintered, proving them all platitudinous, when Sakha babu had bought Manorama ji as his wife. Although unsaid, but this thought always pushed me back into a territory, I can never escape. Moreover our marriage annulment was further drifting us apart more than all those catastrophes.

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