4.3 | eternity

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time with no end; forever; endless.

May 8, 2001

With the exams being taken and over on the 4th all that awaited the students leaving Hogwarts for a very long time is graduation.

"Luna, do you have my pencil box?" Ciana asked as she dug through her drawer.

Luna looked up from her drawer and chuckled, "The one you never used?"

"Yes," Ciana rolled her eyes, "I might use it to store my paintbrushes."

"It's stored somewhere in the deepest parts of your closet probably."

Ciana slumped down and sighed, "Why do I have so much stuff? I swear I didn't bring this much with me."

"Everything you gathered over the year. I think it's sweet that you leave with more than you bring, it's like memories."

"It's sweet until you have no room to put it."

Luna shrugged and went back to packing. Graduates are spending the day packing before heading to the ceremony later at night. It was a chaotic day for the students as they only have a few hours to get everything settled before going on their way. In the real world, who knows what they'll do with their lives. They almost died only a couple of years ago.

Juniper was already packed, he didn't have much. He was excited to get on his way back to Carina. He got his things and walked to the girl's dorm to help, he knew they would need it.

When he opened the door, it only opened a crack before something got in its way. He raised an eyebrow before squeezing through. He wasn't surprised to be met with the sight of clothes flying into other piles of clothes, empty drawers opened, and shouts heard across the room asking if they know where something is.

He smiled and started clearing the path to where Ciana is. I'll miss this. He thought. "Ciana."

Ciana looked up from where she was buried in her closet and jumped up in relief. "Finally you're here! Luna, he's here!"

"Finally!" A call came from somewhere. It was a mess in there.

"I'll get to work."

"Thank you," She hugged him before going back to what she was doing before.

It took all the time they had to finish getting their room to the way it was when they first got there. By the end of it, they had all their bangs in hand and stared at the room in silence.

"I'll miss this," Juniper said.

"Same." Luna and Ciana replied.


"Ron!" Hermione groaned. "Harry!"

Ron came out of the boy's dorm with all his bags in hand, smiling at Hermione while she glared. "What?"

"Took you long enough. We can't be late for our graduation."

He put his bangs down and brought her into his chest, "And we won't be. Don't worry."

"It's hard not to with you both. Where's Harry?"

"Just give him a second to say goodbye."

Hermione nodded and sat down on one of the sofas with Ron.

Harry was still in the dorm room. He stared at it silently. He didn't know how to feel. So much good but so much bad has happened in this school, but he could never forget that this was his home. He never had one. So this was it. Now he's leaving for good.

He smiles as flashbacks of all the years he spent here go through his mind. Friendship, family, and love. He closes his eyes and lets himself fall into his memories before opening his eyes. He grabs his bags and turns to leave but not before giving the room one last look.

He meets up w Hermione, Ron, and Ginny when he gets down and smiles at them. "Let's go."


All the students meet by the lake, everyone scattered in groups chatting and laughing. Warmth traveling through every group.

Ciana looks around and a small smile grows on her face before tightening her robe and following Luna to where Ginny is. To where Harry is.

As they get to the other group, Harry stares at Ciana. He couldn't let this be the last time he sees her. He can't let that happen. She cant be here standing in front of him, laughing and talking, and in a day not be there at all.

Ciana feels him. She always does. She feels his eyes but she's scared to look at him. But as always, she succumbs to him and their eyes meet. A collision. She could never describe how looking at him felt, how much his eyes made her feel safe.

Ginny's laughter broke her out of their stare and she looked to the rest of the group. Harry sighed but did the same.

"Can you believe that I'm graduating at the same time as you guys?" She laughed and Luna shook her head from beside her.

"It's honestly sad, Ginny. Be considerate." Ron grumbled and crossed his arms.

Ginny rolled her eyes and said, "Oh shut up, Ron!" she laughed and they all did too except for Ron but a small lift of his lips was seen.

A loud whistle was heard from the front which alerted them. Up front was Headmaster McGonagall and she stood in all her glory as she smiled at everyone. "Welcome students! I know you are all anxious to get on these boats and sail away to your new futures but let me say a few words. Just let me quickly send all these bags over to the train station." She did a quick flick of her wand and the bags that were once next to the students were gone. "That's better."

She cleared her throat and looked around at everyone. "You have all gone through tremendous situations and I see all of your strengths. I am seeing you off to a better future, one that I hope you will all enjoy. Maybe some of you will come back to teach, maybe someday one of you will be in my position." She smiles and continues, "I cant wait to see how you'll all turn out. Now let's get this going!" Everyone cheers are heard as people start boarding the boats.

Juniper and Ciana get on a boat and immediately start floating away from the castle. She put her head back and stares at the stars, at the lights, and a big smile grows on her face.

Juniper is staring at the sky too. "Were leaving, Ciana."

"I know."

"You're leaving. I'm leaving."

Tears spring to the corner of her eyes, "Well see each other. Never doubt that we won't come back to each other. You're my brother."

He nods and takes her hand as they watch the stars and float away.

petrichor ; harry potterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon