3.7 | again

548 18 4

CW: A robbery🙊

another time; once more.

March 26, 2001

"He's what?" Ciana bit down hard on her bottom lip, trying to keep herself from screaming.

Juniper gave Luna a look before nodding, "He's going to the ball with Esme."

"I heard you." She started pacing and they both followed her with their eyes.

"You asked—"

She groaned and then fell face-first onto her bed. "Why? Did he ask her?"

"I don't know. We only found out from Hermione that they're going together." Luna clarified.

Ciana felt confused. She thought that after their "date" that he would ask her to the ball. She'd always known it was better to not have hope for anything but she let herself succumb to it. It was kicking her in the ass now.

"Well I guess that's that now," She lifted herself and grabbed her bag. She looked at them and tried to smile at them. "Let's go dress shopping now!"

They sighed and got their bags too.

Before leaving, Ciana mumbled, "This better be a good distraction."


And it was. They spent almost 4 hours looking for their clothes for the ball. She knew it had to be perfect and in theme. Masquerade.

She got her dress, shoes, and mask. She wasn't looking forward to the mystery element of the ball but the masks did look quite cute.

And the company of Luna and Juniper was for sure going to be a blast. They always knew how to make her feel better.

Her dress was black, long, and it had a split down the side. Her mask was black as well. She didn't want to stand out. Not this time anyway. She's always gone with the options that made people see her, she did it subconsciously. This time though, she didn't want that. She wanted everything but that.

You want Harry.

She shook her thoughts away and continued on her run. It was late at night and she couldn't go to sleep. The only thing she thought would help her was running. Coping.

The cold of the night hit her exposed legs as sweat started to head at her hairline and back. Her legs flexed as she kept running, heavy breathes coming in pants. This is what she loved about running. The calmness of it, how it takes her away from her thoughts. She stops after a while to take some deep breathes.

Fast footsteps and heavy breathes were heard from behind her, causing her to panic. She started to speed up before she heard his voice, "Ciana?" He was panting through his words.

Ciana rolled her eyes and turned to look at him. "Of course, I would run into you, of course." She said sarcastically.

He laughed and took a big gulp from his water bottle. "It's the universe telling us something."

"You must be the only one hearing it then cause I sure can't."

He smirked and took steps closer to her, "What are you doing running so late?"

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