1.9 | thanatophobia

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the fear of losing someone you love dearly; the fear of death, the dying process.

December 23, 2000

Ciana woke up that morning with a clear head, for once in her life, ready to see her family again. They haven't written to her since she's been back, which she's wondered about, but she hasn't written either.

She packed her necessities and walked to the carriages with Luna. Luna was, safe to say, very happy. Her usual brightness and happy aura were at an all-time high, and Ciana knew exactly why.

You could see her impatience from a mile away. How she balanced herself on her heels, looking through the crowds for her redhead. She could call Ginny "hers" now which could make her explode with happiness just with that one word.

When two out of the four members of the Gryffindor group walked up to us, Luna's grin widened. She caught Ginny's eyes and Ginny immediately ran to her, bringing her into a hug. They stepped onto the carriage first.

Hermione was smiling as Ginny whispered to Luna. She turned to Ciana, who was looking down at her feet. "How are you, Ciana?"

Ciana looked up at her and blinked, "Fine, how are you?"

"Fine," They waited outside of the carriages for the rest of the group, "Harry seemed nervous to come."

Ciana smiled subtly, "Really?"


She shook her head and chuckled. Her mood was much more light now. She felt at ease. There was still so much that she's going through right now, but at that moment, she felt like everything would be okay.

Harry was wiping his hands on his trousers as he walked to the carriages with Ron. Ron pulled his hands away, "Can you stop bloody doing that."

"What?" Harry looked at him confused, but Ron only continued walking. It wasn't long before they made it and the outline of Hermione and Ciana was seen. Harry's face brightened up. Friends, he remembered, Friends.

As they got near, he got significantly more nervous. Ciana gave him a tight-lipped smile and a nod, "Good morning, boys."

Ron hummed and grabbed Hermione's hand, pulling her into the carriage. Making room for the extra two.

It was quiet. They would catch each other's eyes and look away. "We—We should go in," Ciana pointed to the carriage and Harry nodded. He waited for her to go in first before jumping on himself.

The ride wasn't awkward or filled with the tension of the aftermath of a breakup. An understanding smile was shared between Harry and Ginny before they went back to doing their own things. Harry didn't feel any kind of jealousy or resentment towards her and Lunas' relationship. No, in fact, he felt pride. He was proud of her. She would always be one of his specials loves, that he will never forget, but they never belonged to each other.

Ron was surprised to hear of their breakup. He was close to walking up to Harry and giving him a good old scolding, maybe even a punch, but Hermione explained the situation so he left those thoughts to cool down.

They reached Hogsmeade Station in no time, where the Hogwarts Express train was already there to take them to Platform 9 3/4.

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