2.8 | meraki

632 21 15

putting a part of yourself into what you're doing.

January 19, 2001

Ciana had been waking up early recently. She would wake up, go on a quick run, go back to her dorm to get ready, and still have enough time to be at breakfast before almost the whole population of the school. Juniper called it a way to cope but she didn't understand it much. She used to have trouble getting through the week, that wasn't as hard for her anymore.

She was panting by the time she got back from her run that morning. This daily run was doing good things to her body and mind, she felt it and saw it. She felt the change in herself. You could also say the weekly checkups she has with Juniper are helping. Having a way, a person, to go to whenever you find yourself slipping back into a dark place makes it easier to take yourself out of that dark place.

She showered, dressed, and got her bag before leaving the room again. It was nice going to breakfast earlier than everyone else, it was quiet and calm. She loved that.

She walked to the Ravenclaw table and took a seat at the front. Putting a piece of toast on her plate, cutting it in fours, and lathering every piece with different toppings. Jam. Butter. Marmalade. Lemon curd. Delicious.

She took her book out on the table and started reading it while slowly taking bites of her food. She was relaxed. She was doing better.

She took the last bite of her food and moved the plate out of the way. She was going to continue reading until Juniper and Luna showed up but life had other plans for her.

The atmosphere changed. No one else felt this, only her. She looked around trying to see what it is. She was met with an exhausted-looking Harry. Her heart had always beat faster around him, this time wasn't any different. She ducked her head down and moved her hair so it would hide her. She looked like a normal sleeping-looking student. He didn't notice her.

She watched as he sat down, and immediately put his head down. Her face twisted into one of concern. She lifted her head and went to stand up and see if he was okay but the blonde girl walking up to him stopped her. Now she watched as she laughed, smiled, and touched him. She watched how he let her.

Her shoulders slumped in defeat. She shouldn't feel like this. It wasn't right. Once the blonde girl left, Ciana got her things together and left too. She knew he didn't see her. He didn't know.

She walked fast but didn't know where her feet were taking her.

She stopped moving once a door stood in front of her. She glanced around and knew where. The library.

She sighed and entered, not paying attention to anyone but the spot in the back where she'll have a chance to calm down without getting shushed. She sat down and put her head in her hands, taking deep breathes. In and out. Just how she's been doing for a while now.

Her breathing went back to normal and her head stopped thinking. She laid back in the chair and rubbed her temples.

A voice came out of nowhere, "This would be entertaining if it weren't so sad."

She whipped her head to where the voice came from and blinked once or twice. They were leaning against one of the bookshelves, hands in their pockets, and an amused expression on their face. She rolled her eyes and looked at him unamused.

"Well you better go find something more entertaining then, wouldn't want to bore you," She scoffed and he chuckled.

His messy brown hair fell on his face and it annoyed her. His smirk annoyed her even more. Everything about him annoyed her. "I'm sure I could find something way more entertaining but this will have to make due, don't you think?"

petrichor ; harry potterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora