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a particular period of time in history or a person's life.

December 20, 1996

It was the day of the Slug Club Christmas party and Ciana was nervous. It wasn't that she was going alone, or that she may look ugly because she was sure she looked fine.

But it was because he would be there. The one person that has made butterflies flutter in her stomach and her heart leap ever since Luna.

Juniper looked at her pace, twisting her hands while doing so. He sighed, and stood up, and grabbed her shoulders to stop her pacing. She looked up and furrowed her eyebrows. "What's up?"

"Do I look fine?" She said abruptly making him chuckle. She was wearing a black corduroy square neck long sleeve mini dress, with a button placket front. Her hair wasn't curled but wavy, and her makeup wasn't heavy but had neutral tones.

"You look perfectly fine, Ciana. Now, what's really on your mind?"

"Do you know who he's going with?" She said with a glimmer in her eyes, and a nervous expression.

"From what I've heard, I think it's Luna." He said with a wary look, he didn't know if she'll be hurt that her present crush will be going with her former lover.

She sighed out of relief, and her shoulders slumped. "Okay, let's go."

He stared at her and walked behind her as they left the common room. "You're not hurt, or anything of the sorts?"

"Of course not. Luna knows all about my...feelings for him, and I know she wouldn't do anything malicious like that."

"She knows?"

"I told you, Juniper, we weren't exclusive, and we ended on good terms. She's basically my best friend."

"Hey hey, what am I then?" He said in mock-offense.

She slapped his arm and shook her head. "You're like a brother to me, don't be ridiculous."

He laughed and stopped as they made it to Professor Slughorns office. "Are you ready?"

She nodded and looped her arm around his. "More than ever." They walked in, and are met with chatter from all around, and a seemingly tipsy Slughorn.

"Miss Cressida, welcome!" He greeted her, and she gave her professor a polite smile while Juniper sneered from beside her. "Dear boy, what's your name?"

"Juniper Azalea, professor."

"Well then, I hope you two have fun!" That's all he said as he walked off to go greet some more students that walked in.

From the corner of the room, Harry watched her walk in with Juniper. His breath hitched as he saw her, she looked beautiful. Well, she always does. He thought to himself.

His friends didn't know about his feelings about Ciana, they've always assumed that it was Ginny who caught his eye or Ginny who was on his mind all the time, but it wasn't. It was her, her beautiful hair, soft skin, and inviting features. She was an obvious display of perfection, everything about her showed it.

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