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a total inability to make decisions.

October 17, 2000

Ciana stirred her tea and walked to the sitting room. Mrs. Cressida was sat reading the Daily Prophet and sipping her tea quietly. Mr. Cressida was still asleep, which was odd for him but Ciana didn't question it.

She sat next to her mother and sipped on her tea as she reads the paper over her mother's shoulder. "Nothing important?"

Mrs. Cressida folded the paper closed and leaned back against her daughter. "Nothing important," She repeated with a raise of her eyebrows.

"Why is dad still asleep?"

Mrs. Cressida looked up at her daughter and shrugged. "Taking advantage of his time off hasn't had much of it for years."

"He's getting old, isn't he?"

Mrs. Cressida slapped her shoulder and she winced while she rubbed her shoulder. "Oh, don't say that!" Footsteps were heard coming down the stairs and Mrs. Cressida glared at her, "Be quiet."

Ciana raised her hands and nodded. She knew not to mess with her mothers' glare. Mr. Cressida stumbled down the stairs tiredly, and Mrs. Cressida immediately stood up and walked to her husband. "Good morning, darling. Tea?"

"Yes, tea could do me some good," Mr. Cressida said as he kissed her cheek and rubbed his eyes.

Ciana smiled at her dad, and he smiled back as he took the seat her mother left vacant. "Morning, dad."

He hummed and sighed as he leaned back. "My back is killing me."

"Old," Ciana said in a cough but it seems he still heard as he glared at her. "What?!"

He pointed a finger at her but Mrs. Cressida walked in with his tea before he could. He gave his wife a wide grin and she handed him his cup and took a seat next to him. "What are you doing today, Ciana."

Ciana perked up, "I have to make my final touches on your painting, and then I can give it to you."

"That's wonderful, no more mistakes?" her mother said as she looked up at Ciana through her cup.

Ciana narrowed her eyes and shook her head slowly, "No more mistakes."

"Well then go on!" Mr. Cressida pushed her up and she stood up laughing.

"Okay okay," She put her empty cup down and looked back at their beamed faces as she walked back up to her room.

October 25, 2000

"Do you have everything?" Mrs. Cressida asked as Ciana pulled her bag down the stairs.

"Yes, mum, I do." She answered her mother with a sigh, it was the 6th time her mother asked her that question since she started walking down to the front door.

Mr. Cressida was already down from lifting her heavier bag down first. Ciana gave her mother a small smile as they walk over to her father. She pulled a scroll of parchment and stood in front of both of her parents. Her mother was shorter than her, but her father was still very high up that her neck still cracked if she looked up at him.

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