3.4 | patience

598 18 3

trusting your inner strength; knowing that ease always follows difficulty; enduring the hardships and still being grateful.

February 14, 2001

It took him a long time to make the plan. If you saw an hour as long then yes. A long time.

He sprinted back to the Gryffindor common room, getting to his dorm with no breath but he didn't stop there. Right when he stepped a foot into that room, he ran to the bathroom, to take the quickest & thorough shower. He didn't want to smell on his date with Ciana.

Was it a date? The famous question of the day.

He spent the next 10 minutes picking his clothes. Some light-washed black jeans, a black t-shirt, and an army green button-up over shirt, that he left unbuttoned. He paired it with white tennis shoes and his messy hair.

Right after, he got to planning.

He rushed to the Ravenclaw common room only to be stunned in his spot when he saw Ciana. She was standing outside of the entrance, rocking on her heels, and playing with her hands nervously.

Merlin she looked beautiful.

She wore beige corduroy pants, with a brown see-through cropped button-up shirt, and a brown tank top underneath. Only the middle buttons were buttoned. He loved her style. He loved a lot about her.

Harry drew in a deep breath and walked the rest of the way to her, putting his hands in his pockets to control himself.

Ciana heard steps and looked up, a smile gracing her face when she saw him. Turning her whole body to wait for him, made him nervous but he kept eye contact. When he got to her, the only thing he could say was, "Hey!" In a squeaky sound. He cleared his throat and tried again, "Hey."

Ciana laughed, "Hi."

They stared at each other for a moment before he spoke again, "We should get going?"

"Oh yeah! Let's go."

They made their way out of the castle, they call school. Going down the path to where the carriages take them to Hogsmeade. He let out a small breathe of relief when he saw that there was still some left. Without thinking, he grabbed her hand and jogged them over to one of the carriages, he helped her in and then got in himself.

Ciana looked down at their hands that he still hadn't let go of, and she hadn't tried to let go either. Harry still hadn't noticed them, leaning back into the seat and feeling comfortable next to her.

She decided not to tell him.

"What did you plan?"

He opened his eyes and looked at her. In her eyes, they were so beautiful. "It's a secret," He smirked and she rolled her eyes.

"Oh, come on. Don't do that," She pushed his shoulder playfully and he laughed.

"You'll have to wait," He shrugged.

"Fine," She huffed and fell into her seat in defeat. "It better not be Madam Puddifoot's," She mumbled and he laughed again. He always laughed the most with her.

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