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"YOU READY TO WATCH us kick ass, kid?" Jaxon asked Pedro as he placed him on the railing. Pedro nodded excitedly, handing Jaxon the golden ball.

The students had already gotten their powers back, thanks to Hope and Alaric. Jaxon needed to make his way outside, however he was not going to leave unless he killed that Burr guy. He had his eyes fixed on the man.

"Jax, now." Jaxon threw the ball to Kaleb who caught if before throwing it to Jed who then kicked a man straight in the chest, sending him flying backwards.

As they continued to deal with the guards, Jaxon waved his index finger at ten guards who were standing in front of the door and they all went flying away, crashing into the nearby walls making Jaxon smirk, "this is fun."

He lifted Pedro up in his arms and took him outside where there was a bus waiting for the kids. He got inside and placed Pedro on a seat, "you good kid?" Pedro nodded just as Kaleb entered, placing another child inside.

"Is that everyone?" Jaxon asked the vampire who nodded. Just then, they turned around and saw Burr standing there, inside the bus in front of the door, pointing a gun at them.

Kaleb scoffed, "Look around, man. Your stupid cup ain't here, okay? You lost."

"No." Burr smirked, pointing the gun at a random girl, "look how much you can still lose

Jaxon finally lost it.

He clenched his jaw at the man and instantly, his gun melted in his hand. Burr's eyes widened as he looked at Jaxon whose eyes were glowing a bright red. He was losing control and he knew it. With a wave of his hand, Burr was sent flying out of the bus, he fell on the ground, groaning in pain. All the students looked out of the bus and watched as Jaxon walked towards the fallen man. Just then, the other guards standing there were being taken down by Rafael.

"I shot you!" Burr shouted at Jaxon, "what the hell are you?"

Ignoring him and blinded by rage, Jaxon lifted him by his neck and slammed him in the ground. "I'm going to kill you." His voice was cold and serious. The others had never seen that side of Jaxon and to say that they were scared would be an understatement.

"You can't be fine! I shot you!" Burr shouted again as he stood up, "you're supposed to be dead!"

"I'm immortal," Jaxon clenched his jaw and grabbed Burr's fist as he was about to punch him. He then twisted his hand behind his back carelessly, breaking his bones making the man scream in pain. "I'm going to make you suffer." Jaxon then began to squeeze Burr's throat without actually holding it and he was crushing his insides— rushing his heart. It was the most painful thing ever. Burr fell on his knees, blood coming out of everywhere.

"Jax! Hey!" Kaleb rushed to the demigod who was out of control. He pushed him away from Burr who was on the ground, coughing up blood with tears streaming down his face as he was screaming in pain, "Jaxon!" He broke Jaxon out of his trance, "there are kids watching you!"

Jaxon looked at Kaleb whose eyes widened at the sight of his eyes. They were glowing a bright red, "dude— your eyes—"

Jaxon glanced at the bus and saw the mortified expressions of the kids. He glanced at Pedro who was staring back at him with slight fear in his eyes. Jaxon let out a loud sigh, looking at Kaleb, "I don't know what's happening to me. I think I. . . I'm losing control."

"Leave. We got this," Kaleb placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "you need to find Hope. Go." Nodding, Jaxon left.

'It's the bullet.' Hades spoke up, 'it contained dark magic. When you absorbed Josette's pain, you absorbed some of the dark magic . It's triggering your inner wolf. Giving him memories of things you went through. He saw the man as an enemy for he shot you. Your wolf is fighting for control.'

'How do I fix that?'

'You find your anchor.' He said, 'The one who has always helped your wolf to stay on control. As you know, your wolf is not like most. It's incredibly hard to control him. He's a blood thirsty beast. However, there is someone who has been keeping him at bay— unknown to you.'

'And who the fuck is that?'

'You know who. Why do you think I'm approving of that relationship, anyway?' Hades asked back with a scoff before breaking the link. Letting out a loud sigh, Jaxon breathed out, "Hope."

𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ━━ HOPE MIKAELSON.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن