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“WERE YOU GOING TO PARTICIPATE in that talent show?" Rafael asked Jaxon who was walking in between him and Landon.

"No. I don't do shit like that," he replied, "were you?"

"Nope." Rafael shook his head as Jaxon nudged Landon, "what about you?"

"I didn't know that there was going to be a talent show," Landon said, "and I don't really have any talent."

"Come on," Jaxon threw an arm around Landon's shoulders as they walked around, "I'm sure there's something hidden in there."

He smiled at that.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but he's right, Lan." Rafael said with a smile, "everybody's got a talent. You just gotta find it."

"Just like Rafael's talent is to piss people off." Jaxon added earning an elbow in the ribs by the werewolf.

"Why are you here and talking with us?" Landon asked, "don't you... Hate me or something?"

"Oh, no, I don't hate you." Jaxon shook his head, "well, not that much. I only had a problem with you because of Hope. Then you kissed her and got rejected so that somewhat eased me, you know?"

"Those words are actually really hurtful." Landon said with a chuckle making Rafael hum in agreement.

"I can't help it." Jaxon shrugged just as Rafael decide to change the topic, "Lizzie's acting weird."

"She's not the only one," Jaxon said as he noticed Hope making her way towards them, stopping in front of Jaxon.

"Babe," she said making his brows shoot up at the unfamiliarly new nickname, "did you think about what I told you? We should do a talent."

Rafael smirked at Jaxon on hearing Hope's words. Ignoring him, Jaxon said, "I don't—"

"Please?" She shot him a pleading look, "I didn't have anyone before but now I have you. We can make up our own faction. The tribrid and the half–god, half–werewolf. Doesn’t that sound like the most powerful duo ever?"

"I suppose it does," he sighed, "fuck, all right, fine— Let's do it."

She smiled brightly before kissing her in front of both Landon and Rafael— who had started developing feelings for the tribrid.

Jaxon wasted no time in responding to the kiss, placing his hands on her waist as he deepened the kiss, ignoring the presence of the two behind.

Landon convinced himself that he was happy for them but Rafael was burning with jealousy. Landon then nudged Rafael making him look at him. Landon gave him a look that said ‘let's leave them alone’ before walking away and then Rafael followed after a while.

However, Jaxon picked up on a strong feeling of jealousy in the air as he was kissing Hope. Realising that it was radiating of Rafael, he was slightly confused before everything started to make sense to him.

Hope hummed into his mouth, "I want more."

"You're being needy today," Jaxon smirked, giving her his full attention, "unfortunately, I can't right now. I have to deal with something." Or rather, someone.

"What thing?" She questioned to which he said, "nothing for you to worry about. I'll see you around, okay?"

"Okay," she nodded, pecking his lips one last time before walking away while Jaxon decided to go to Rafael's room. He needed to have a talk with the werewolf.

He was walking in the halls when he heard someone call his name from behind making him turn around to find Penelope standing there.

"Hey, Pen." He walked towards her, taking a mental note to talk to Rafael later. "What's up?"

"I need to talk to you," Penelope said, wearing a somewhat sad expression on her face which Jaxon immediately noticed. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes..." She quickly said, "yeah, everything is okay. It's just that..."

"It's just that what?" Jaxon was growing impatient. Penelope felt bad for the news he was going to give him since he was her only true friend ever since she's joined the school. These two had always gotten along very well and Penelope saw him as a brother as well as a best friend. It was the same case for Jaxon. He's always seen in her a friend and a sibling— never more than that.

Taking a deep breath, she finally informed him, "I'm leaving, Jax."

"The fuck you are." Jaxon was quick to say, unable to believe that. He was expecting her to laugh or say that she was joking but she didn't. He frowned at that, sighing, "you're serious."

"Very," she gave him a sad smile, "my parents are moving to Belgium so... yeah."

"When will you be leaving?"

"In a few days," she replied, keeping her voice low. "I hate to say this but I'm gonna miss you, idiot."

"You're the idiot one in this friendship," Jaxon shot back, "but I'm gonna miss you too."

"Now, are you going to hug me or do I need to do everything myself?"

Rolling his eyes, he wrapped his arms around her and Penelope did the same. "You're like the fourth person I'm hugging today." Jaxon said, chuckling as she hugged him tighter.

"Fucking hell, I'm going to miss you so much." Penelope said, "I never thought this moment was going to come."

"Have you told Josie?"

"I will give her a letter," she responded, "hey, you're going to visit right?"

"Yeah, of course." He pulled away, "just text me your address, I'll be there whenever."

"Keep in touch, all right?" She looked at him sternly, "I will call you every once in a while and I expect you to answer. I would've told you not to get yourself killed but you're immortal so that won't be a problem." She brought a hand up and ruffled his hair — something she knew he hated, "I will not let you forget about my awesome existence."

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