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AFTER FINDING OUT THAT Landon was actually innocent and that the thing behind what happened to Dana was actually a huge spider called an Arachne. After taking it down, the group dispersed and went their separate ways, all tired after the long day.

It was night, Jaxon was sitting on the edge of his window, his legs hanging down as he took a large inhale of the cigarette in between his fingers, liking the rush the nicotine gave his entire body. He let out a sigh of content, releasing the smoke slowly as he stared at the moon shinning brightly in the sky.

He had a clear view of the lake from where he was sitting and his eyes narrowed when he saw the figure of a girl— Hope who went to sit beside Landon who was already sitting down.

"So much for wanting to spend the day as a normal teenage girl," Hope spoke up making Landon look at her while Jaxon listened in to their conversation from his room.

He didn't know why but he hated it when Hope would talk to Landon. Why would she when he was right there? Clearly, the girl had a poor taste. Jaxon was self confident, he knew he was hot and desirable yet he didn't want anyone in that way. He only fucked and slept around with no feeling attached. He liked it that way.

"Did good back there," Hope praised Landon who nodded, "yeah..." While Jaxon rolled his eyes, muttering to himself that all Landon did was rip a piece of skin of a dude while he literally fought the spider yet Hope said nothing to him. How fucking unfair. He thought. Where's my compliment? My praise? He asked himself.

"Felt nice to be part of the team...until you accused me of being a monster," Landon added and Jaxon let a scoff past his lips as he took another drag of his cigarette, his eyes closing at the feeling.

"I'm sorry," Hope said, guilt clear in her tone, "it's just gonna take us some time before we can trust you again."

Landon nodded at that, "yeah. I got that. Repeatedly. So let me lay this out for you all at once... I don't know why I was drawn to that knife any more than I can explain why a supersized spider inhabited the body of a kid who used to bully me in high school. I don't know why creatures we've only read about in books are making cameos in mystic falls. I don't have any explanation for any of this and let's be honest, neither does any of you so as far as I can see we're supposed to be in this together. And this morning all I wanted to be was sitting here. Part of all of this— spending time with you but all day long, you ridiculed me when it mattered... You and the others and that... Jaxon guy."

"Don't—" Hope was cut off by Landon who shook his head, "no, listen. Jaxon's the one who's supposed to be the monster as you all put it, not me! I mean, I'm not Hades's offspring, he is! Why would you even blame me when he's here? He literally goes around threatening people and he's probably even killed— and you guys do nothing about it."

"He hasn't—" again, Hope was cut off by Landon, "—he has, okay? Don't lie to me. I know he has killed. He's a werewolf... He obviously did otherwise he would not have triggered his curse, right? That's how it works. Yet... You guys look up to him as if he's god—" Landon cut himself off shaking his head, "—you know what I mean. Look... I haven't killed anyone yet you look at me as if I'm a sort of terrorist. I hate this."

Jaxon, who was listening clenched his jaw at Landon's word and before he could stop himself, his eyes glowed red and Landon, who stood up and was about to leave ended up tripping and falling right into the lake.

He gasped as he brought his head out of the water to breathe, confused as to how he could've tripped. Jaxon hummed in satisfaction, taking yet another drag of his cigarette.

Hope's head turned to Jaxon's room where she saw a figure sitting on the edge of his window and she instantly knew who it was and was aware that he had been listening and was the one who made Landon trip. She couldn't help the small twitch in her lips.

You can't expect to talk about Hades's son like that and roam around as if you did nothing wrong, could you?

As Landon tried to get out of the water, he fell in again, Jaxon having fun at the sight. Hope mumbled a small "stop" under her breath, knowing Jaxon would hear. To her contentment and his dismay, he stopped and allowed Landon to get out of the water, standing again with water dripping off him.

As Hope looked up at him, Landon spoke, having noticed the amusement in her features, "you wanted to know what it's like to be normal? Congrats, Hope. You're officially normal." And then he walked away.

𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ━━ HOPE MIKAELSON.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ