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JOSIE AND RAFAEL WERE at the breakfast table, sitting and talking when Jed approached them, "bounce witch. Rafael and I need to have a little chat."

Rafael looked up at Jed, "as soon as Josie and I are done."

Jed raised his brows, "actually, newb, I'm your new alpha. You're done when I say you're done."

Rafael stood up from his seat, looking at Jed as Josie looked at her watch, standing up as well, "would you look at the time? As fun as this hurricane of toxic masculinity is, I have to get to class." Rafael smiled at Josie, grabbing her books, "I'll walk you." The two walked away while Jed stood there, feeling frustrated.


"This is the senior hallway where I spent much of my formative years stuffed in every Locket except this one." Landon said to Jaxon and Hope as they walked beside him. Landon hit if, "that one doesn't open. On your left you'll find the bathroom. It's where I had my first kiss with a toilet."

"Nobody gives a fuck." Jaxon said, fixing one of his rings on his finger. He would ignore the eyes the girls at the school were sending him as he walked but Hope was getting annoyed for reasons she was unaware of.

"Sorry, I was going for effortlessly natural," Landon cleared his throat, "this is... This is all just making me very nervous. Like, the school and seeing Connor and being with you..."

"Shouldn't you be talking to anyone you know?" Hope asked, ignoring his words. Landon sighed, "I told you, I barely know anyone and I highly doubt they'll talk to me. There's no way Dana's clique is talking to me unless you have a spell that would make me retroactively cool but—" Landon looked at Jaxon suggestively.

Jaxon instantly shook his head, clicking his tongue against his teeth, "no, there's no way I'm talking to a bunch of girls who look ready to feed on me. Hope should do it."

"I'll do it," Hope was quick to say, nodding as she didn't want Jaxon anywhere near those girls for some reason.

"It's even worse for you," Landon said, "trust me. You have no idea how human schools work. You're the new girl, might as well be radioactive."

"I'm sorry, you look traumatized." A girl approached them, smiling at Jaxon before turning to Hope, "is this loser bothering you two?" The other girls were all surrounding them by then.

"This dude's not leaving us alone with his stupid mix tapes," Hope responded.

"Gross," the black haired girl said, a look of disgust over her face, "well, we're going to lunch. You two hungry?"

Hope looked at Jaxon then Landon before replying to the girl, "we're famished."

Just then, Jaxon's phone beeped with a message from Josie telling him about the whole Rafael and Jed problem. He let out a sigh. "Yeah, go without me," he said, "I've got a call to make." Hope only nodded as she walked away with the girls.

"What call?" Landon asked the half–god making him roll his eyes, "I gotta make sure your best friend doesn't get himself killed."

"What—" Landon was cut off by Jaxon, "—I don't have time to explain right now so shut it." Dialing Jed's number, Jaxon brought his phone to his ears and waited for him to respond which he didn't. He tried again and again but he didn't. Letting out a frustrated sigh, he put his phone back in his pockets. "Great," He sighed, running a hand through his hair, "just great."

"Hey, so I had a few questions..." Landon began awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck as he stared at Jaxon who raised his brows at him questioningly, "what?"

"How does it feel to be Hades's son? I mean, do you guys... Talk? Like make calls and all? Or— maybe do you visit him?" Landon asked, well aware of how dumb his question sounded, "I mean, do you guys have father and son bonding time? Sorry if I'm being intrusive—"

"Do I visit him?" Jaxon repeated one of his questions, staring at Landon as if he was the dumbest person ever. "Of course," he sarcastically bit back, "I happen to have a VIP pass to the gates of underworld so every Sunday, I go to pay my dad a visit and yeah, we do make calls. He calls me and every now and then— and we chat. He has WhatsApp too, you know? There's free internet in hell."

"Okay you can stop now..." Landon cleared his throat, "I get it. Dumb question. Oh look, Hope's coming back." 

𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ━━ HOPE MIKAELSON.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum