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"I'm sorry, what?" Jaxon's brows raised at his father's words.

"Landon," Hades stated dryly with a bored expression on his face. Jaxon rolled his eyes at that, "I know who you were talking about. But How? When-"

"It all happened last night." He responded, his bored expression turned into amusement as a smirk settled itself on his lips, showing that he found the whole situation amusing. "When you and your girl were busy doing god knows what- wait, I'm a god so obviously I know."

"You were watching?"

"I get free porn and I don't watch?" Hades furrowed his brows questioningly before letting out a scoff, "what are you, sick?"

With a horrified look on his face, Jaxon's lips parted in complete shock at his father's words, "you're..." he took a deep breath, "you're kidding, right?"

"Of course I'm kidding!" Hades barked out a laugh, "now about the phoenix boy, he's at Triad if you want to know."

"I wanna go," Jaxon demanded, eyeing his father, "can you like, teleport me there or some shit?"

"No, I can't."

"I thought you're a god and you can do anything-"

"-Let me rephrase that. I can but I don't want to." Hades stated with a teasing smirk, "walk, motherfucker."

"Come on," Jaxon groaned, rolling his eyes and Hades mimicked his actions with a loud sigh in the end. "Fine, only because I don't want you to cry and disturb my... people. Goodbye." With a wave of his hand, a blue like fire appeared in front of Jaxon. They both watched as the fire enlarged itself before forming a sort of hole in the ground then the fire disappeared.

"Now, jump."

"This better not be a prank." Jaxon grumbled under his breath as he walked towards the hole. He could see nothing but blackness inside.

"It's not," Hades confirmed, "now, jump. Try not to scream... Like she was doing last ni-"

Jaxon didn't stay to hear the words that were about to come out of his father's mouth. He jumped.

He thought he would be falling but instead, it was like he was floating slowly as he went lower and lower until he could feel the ground beneath his feet.

"...He was created to be the only one of his kind," Ryan's voice began filling Jaxon's ears, "he was never intended to be a species or have a bloodline of his own. But... he found a way to reproduce biologically. To have a son who was part human. A son who was perfect. A son who could live forever and continue the species. You are what he's been trying to create his entire life."

"Is that jealousy I detect in your tone, Ryan?" The two boys turned around abruptly at the familiar voice they both had to admit that they feared. They would be foolish not to.

"Jaxon?" Landon questioned, eyes widening in surprise when they found the demigod standing in front of them. "What are you doing here? How did you know that I was here? Did you come to sav-"

"-Did you just appear out of nowhere?" Ryan asked, cutting Landon off earning nod from Jaxon who also had a smirk on his lips as he looked at Landon, "my dad told me that you have been kidnapped by this dude."

"Your dad?" Landon repeated with a gulp, "H-Hades? So you're actually in contact with him? Wow- I thought-never mind."

"You don't look too scared for someone who's been kidnapped," Jaxon pointed out, flickering his eyes to Ryan, "I'm taking it, he's not currently in any danger?"

"No, nope," Ryan shook his head, "you're free to go. I was just telling him stories of Malivore. You know, the usual."

"Oh, I'm not going anywhere," Jaxon responded, "I'm just gonna sit here and watch just in case you decide to harm him because you know, I don't trust you."

"Do you two know each other?" Landon asked with his brows furrowed in confusion. The two boys looked at him, giving him a shrug as Jaxon walked over and sat down on the railing.

With a loud sigh, Landon looked at Ryan, "you know, I've told my fair share of lies, and the best lie is one that someone already wants to believe. And you're asking me to believe that the father that I've been looking for for years has actually been searching for me? Why should I believe you?"

"Because I was there," Ryan stated simply, "over the years, his attempts at children became more refined, indistinguishable from humans."

"Since he was unable to have se-" Jaxon was cut off by Ryan who shushed him, "don't. It's extremely gross." Jaxon smirked at that as Ryan continued, looking at Landon, "father is a very gifted artist."

'Yeah, thanks to my father,' Jaxon thought. He internally rolled his eyes when he heard his father's voice in his head, 'of course. He's the best, after all.'

'You just ruined my proud son moment.' He thought again earning a hum from Hades, 'If I were you, I would not save that kid. He's in love with your girl. Kill him and you won't have competition. Save him and you're going to have to compete with him forever. You never know... Hope can change her mind when she finds out that you've been lying to her.' And then he broke the mind link, not giving Jaxon the time to say anything.

"Our father?" Landon's voice snapped Jaxon back to reality. Ryan nodded with a smirk, "yes... little brother. Like I said...I was there."

Just then, Jaxon's phone beeped with a text from Alaric, 'there's a problem with Rafael. Where the hell are you?'

𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ━━ HOPE MIKAELSON.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora