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"I MEAN, HOW COULD YOU be so reckless?" Alaric asked as he stormed inside his office with Hope and Jaxon following him closely behind.

"You weren't getting anywhere," Hope said as she closed the door behind her. Alaric raised his brows and voice, "so you took it upon yourselves? And how did that go?"

"Not well," Hope replied, her voice wavering slightly.

"Ric—" Jaxon was cut off by Alaric who turned to him, "—and you."

"And me." Jaxon repeated with a frown, "wait, what did I do?"

"You think I don't know what you were doing outside?" Alaric questioned making Jaxon's brows raise up, "MG's a little snitch, isn't he?"

"I thought I told you to stop doing that!" Alaric raised his voice while Jaxon stood there with an emotionless look on his face. "Do you know how dangerous that is? You could die!"

"I'm immortal," he reminded with a bored tone, "in case you've forgotten."

Alaric scoffed, "so? You decide to do things that could possibly harm you knowing that you won't die? This is stupid!"

"What did he do?" Hope asked, narrowing her eyes at Alaric who looked at Jaxon before replying to Hope, "Jax here has invented some sort of poison which he takes on a daily basis."

"It's not a poison," the half–god scoffed, "stop being so dramatic."

"What—" Hope paused, "—what poison?"

"He mixed wolfsbane with nicotine and he smokes it." Alaric responded while glaring at Jaxon, "and while everyone think that it's normal cigarette that he smokes, they're wrong! It's cigarette mixed with wolfsbane because this boy here is suicidal as hell."

Ignoring the stare of Hope on him, Jaxon huffed, "you're acting like you don't do shit as well."

"Oh, pray tell," Alaric crossed his arms, "what shit do I do?"

Jaxon walked over to his desk and bent over before removing an empty bottle of alcohol, "I don't know, this?" He removed another bottle which was, however, full, "or this?"

"Or anything that would explain your lack of progress?" Hope asked, having known of the presence of these bottles for a while now.

"I am grieving!" Alaric hissed at the two, "and maybe you two should try that sometimes instead of pushing everyone away." Hope let out a humourless laugh at that as Alaric added, "Look, I am trying to protect you two." He looked at Hope, "that thing is a master manipulator. It resurrected my fiancée, it raised a cemetery of zombies And it brought back Rafael's dead girlfriend so let's just talk about the ways in which it could torment you two—" he looked at Jaxon, "—your dead mother," and he looked at Hope, "and you starting with your dead mother ending with your dead father and how about all the ghosts of all the people that you both killed in between, huh? I can't believe you'd do this."

"Don't do that!" Hope strode over to Alaric, "you don't like that we broke your rules as a headmaster, fine! Punish me. But don't you dare play disappointed dad because you are not our father."

"Oh, I know that." Alaric scoffed as Jaxon added, his voice cold, "then stop acting like you are. We can do whatever the fuck we want."

Ignoring the pang in his chest, he watched as Jaxon walked away. Hope glanced at Alaric one last time before walking away as well. "And where are you going?" He asked Hope who replied, "to finish what I started."

"Like hell you are." Alaric tried to step out of his office but the door closed itself to his face when Hope used a spell, "cloditay."

"Hope!" Alaric banged on the locked door, "Hope! Jax!" But there was no reply, "Jaxon!" He tried to open the door but it was locked, "Hope!" He then slammed his fist on the door in anger.


"Back for more?" The necromancer asked as Hope walked in.

"Tell me where my father is," Hope demanded to which the necromancer said, "I will tell you everything you want to know But wouldn't you like to know what I've just learnt about Malivore first?"

Hope stood there and waited for him to start speaking, "after I left you, I returned to the scene of my death. I saw a shadow. I felt a searing pain. And when I looked down, there was a knife in my heart and emptiness all around me."

"A knife?" Hope asked making him stand up from his chair, pointing a finger at her, "The knife. Interestingly enough, that which I seek is that which did me in. You've got to understand, to be killed by such a trifle of an object... I was curious as to its power, so I jumped out of my subconscious and summoned the spirit of the man who forged the knife in the first place."

"You left me in there on purpose?" Hope asked, getting angry.

The necromancer shrugged, "oh, I had work to do, and you had lessons to learn. But look on the bright side. Now you know that he has feelings for you."

"He?" Hope furrowed her brows, "who's he?"

"I mean, now you know that he reciprocates your feelings." The Necromancer smirked when a look of realisation crossed her features. He further spoke, "yes, Hades's son, of course. My, you two are so blind."

"You're wrong," Hope shook her head, "he doesn't—"

"—Spare me the lies," The Necromancer laughed, "the way he was looking at me and threatened me when you were stuck inside said otherwise. The Heir of the underworld and the tribrid— talk about power couple."

𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ━━ HOPE MIKAELSON.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz