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Jaxon sat comfortably in the chair with Emma sitting in front of him with her legs crossed. He was having his therapy session— something he absolutely hated yet had no way out according to Alaric's stupid rules.

"How are you feeling?" Emma asked the boy who shrugged in response, "fine, I guess."

"How did you feel earlier today when you saw all those bodies?" Emma questioned, "sadness? Anger? Happiness? Excitement?"

"I felt anger—" Jaxon said, rolling his eyes at her last two words, "—at that fucker for what he did."

"Do you think that those people didn't deserve that?" Emma asked and Jaxon knew very well what she was doing. She wanted to see if he felt something— anything towards those humans. It was known that he absolutely despised humans, children or not.

"Of course they didn't," He clenched his jaw, "I'm not some kind of monster, alright? I may not like them but— I don't hate them. I've come to realise that not all humans are bad. They may suck but nobody deserves that."

"So you don't hate humans." Emma noted, smiling, "not as much as you did, anyway. That's good. Now, tell me... How are you dealing with your anger and nightmares?"

"Perfectly fine. I have everything under control." He lied making Emma raise her brows, "are you lying to me?"

"Nope." He shook his head, putting on an innocent look on his face. Emma rolled her eyes, "I saw you earlier at the gym."


"Yes, oh." Emma sighed, shaking her head, "hurting yourself is not a solution."

"I wasn't hurting myself," Jaxon defended, "I was just hitting the punching bag."

"Punching bags. And that hurts." Emma deadpanned, "you broke eight punching bags within thirty minutes. Why were you so angry? Certainly, it can't be those humans— can it?"

"No." He mumbled, leaning in the chair while Emma leaned forward, resting her palms on her knees, "so? Tell me what or who got you so riled up."

"No." He denied, grabbing the glass of juice in front of him before gulping down the entire content. "I'm not telling you anything."

"Okay," Emma nodded, "that's fine. I won't force you. Have you been talking to anyone about your... Problems?" He shook his head, "no."

"Have you been speaking to Caroline?" Emma asked to which he nodded, "I spoke to her three days ago. She has been... busy."

"And did you tell her about whatever's making you angry?" She asked and was met with silence. She already figured out the answer to that. No. Letting out a sigh, she said, "you can't not talk to anyone about what you're going through. It's only going to get worst. Talk to someone— anyone you feel close enough to talk to. I don't know, Lizzie, perhaps? Or maybe Josie? ... Or Hope?"

"Lizzie's fucking bipolar. She'll go blurt out my problems to someone else the second she gets angry," Jaxon scoffed, "and Josie's got enough on her plate. Hope's probably in depression because lover boy turned out to be a fucking sociopath."

"You should know that keeping everything to yourself is not going to help at all," Emma spoke, "I know you've never told anyone about this and trusted me with it— but I think it's high time you tell someone else."

"What are you, insane?" Jaxon almost shot up from his seat the second Emma mentioned that, "they'll look at me differently— they'll... They'll never look at me the same again."

"So you're scared." Emma pointed out, "who's they?" Emma received no answer, "you care about them, don't you? Caroline, Lizzie, Josie, Alaric— even Hope. You won't ever admit it but you do. You love them, you regard them as your own. You're scared about Lizzie, Josie and Hope... You fear that they'll leave you, that they'll abandon you after learning the truth."

"Your one hour's up," Jaxon stood up, "have a great day." Jaxon stayed quiet and said nothing as he walked towards the door. Just as he was about to open it, Emma spoke, "could you please send Hope in? Thank you." Nodding, Jaxon opened the door and walked out.

He went towards Hope's room and knocked on the door, waiting for her to open. Hope opened the door, eyes Furrowing at the sight of Jaxon standing there, "yes?"

"Emma's asking for you." He replied, noticing the dried tears on her cheeks, "were you crying?"

"What? No," she scoffed as if the question was absurd. "I wasn't crying... "

"You've got dried tears on your cheeks," he deadpanned, pointing to her cheeks to prove his point. Hope's hand flew up to her face, "it's just water."

"Do I look stupid?" Jaxon rolled his eyes, stepping inside her room, "you know what? Forget Emma."

"What?" Hope furrowed her brows in confusion when Jaxon stood there and looked at her with a smirk at his lips, "let's fuck."

Hope choked on her own saliva, eyes widening at his words before she began coughing while he chuckled. "I was kidding," he grabbed her wrist and walked out of the door, pulling her with him, "I'm gonna take you somewhere."


He shot her a grin, "you'll see."

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