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AFTER HEARING THOSE WORDS coming from Jaxon's mouth, Hope was unable to believe her own ears. She had her lips parted in shock and her eyes slightly wide opened as she stared at him.

"Are you..." She paused, taking a deep breath, "are you serious?"

"No, I'm kidding." He stated blandly, rolling his eyes when she frowned, "of course I'm serious, you stupid idiot."

"I'm not an idiot," her frown was replaced with a small smile, "I—I'm in love with you too."

"Yeah, I know." He shot her an amused smirk resulting in her rolling her eyes, "for someone who can literally feel how others are feeling, you sucked at deciphering my own."

He let out a sigh past his lips, "that's because I didn't want to accept that you were, indeed, in love with me."


"Because I was scared," he admitted, "I've always thought that it would make me weak, you know? And I hated it. But fuck it. I couldn't help myself from falling for you. I love you and I hate that I'm being so fucking clich—" he cut himself off when he noticed the tears that welled up in her eyes, "—oh fuck you're crying."

"These are tears of happiness," she informed, smiling at the same time, "I love you too, Jax," she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him, "I love you so much."

Jaxon hugged her back and tight as if he was scared that she would slip out of his grip. Guilt began filling the demigod instantly, his mind drifting to a certain phoenix.

"Is everything okay?" Hope questioned, "you're all tensed up."

"There's something I need to tell you." He was quick to say, "Landon has been kidnapped by Triad. He's currently there at the moment so we should probably go and save him."

"And you're telling me this now?"

"Wanted me to tell you it later?" He asked back, "because I could've."

"We have to go," Hope sighed, "he's in danger. Oh my god, you returned here without saving him! You could've—"

"Because he's not in any danger as of the moment." Jaxon responded calmly, ignoring the state Hope was in; she was clearly panicking. "I had to come here to get you since I found out that—" He paused, contemplating on his words. Did he really want everyone to forget Hope just so he could get to live a normal life?

'You promised.' His father's voice rang through his head making him close his eyes and sigh, 'oh shut it for a sec. It sounds selfish.'

'It's okay to be selfish sometimes. And besides you promised. Break it and I shall erase every single memory of her from your mind.'

"You found out what?" Hope urged, curious.

"You're—" Taking a deep breath, he continued, "—you're the key to stop Malivore. Hope, you're the loophole."

"I— what?" She furrowed her brows in confusion, "how am I the loophole?"

"Because you're the tribrid," he said earning a look of confusion from her, "how do you even know that I'm the one who can destroy him?"

"My dad might have told me a thing or two," he responded. She stared at him for a few seconds before letting out a loud sigh, "if we're going to save him, we need back-up."


Jaxon and Hope were in Hope's room. They were grabbing the stuff they could use if things went wrong whilst saving the phoenix when Rafael walked in, "I'm coming."

"Hello to you, too, uh, and, no, you're not," Hope responded while Jaxon only stood there and looked at the werewolf who glanced at him and then at her, "look, last time you did this without me, it was a disaster."

"Except I'm not gonna go alone this time. I'm gonna drag Jaxon, of course and the twins, MG, Kaleb. We're going before Dr. Saltzman comes back. It'll be like a Super Squad Assemble. I don't know. Is that a thing? I don't know. I'll ask MG."

"Yeah, I'll ask him myself," Rafael said, insisting on going earning a loud groan from Jaxon, "considering the side effects, you're not in the condition to help."

Hope nodded, "he's right. I'm sorry, but I can't let you come. How do you feel now?"

"Like my brain's split down the middle," Rafael scoffed, "I keep having these flashes like I can't control myself, and..."

"That's why you're not coming on the mission."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Hope questioned in a low soft voice as Rafael sat down, "you know why."


"I don't know how to be around you, Hope," Rafael admitted, "I don't want to feel this way, so I push it down, and that just makes the split in my brain worse, which makes it harder to hide. And the only person that I want to talk about it with is the only person I can't."

""I'm right here," Jaxon cleared his throat loud enough, his jealousy obvious. "Let's not forget that."

"Talking to you about my feelings for your girlfriend is not exactly the safest thing for me to do." Rafael said to Jaxon who rolled his eyes, "I didn't mean that, dumbass. I meant that I'm right here to try not to talk about those feelings of yours before I lose it and trust me your stupid side effects will be the least of your pro—" He was cut off by Hope who shot him a look as if saying 'not now.'

"I can make those feelings go awa—"

"Jax." Hope interjected, "go get the others, why don't you? I'll just give Raf something and join you guys outside."

"Fine." He huffed, "My dad's keeping his eyes on you guys."

"Is he?" Rafael raised his brows earning a nod from Jaxon. "Wait, seriously? As in he's watching us right now?"

'Ah yes before I forget, Tell that guy to stop singing in showers, please. It's awful.' On hearing what Hades said to him, Jaxon made a disgusted face, 'you have got to be the grossest being I've ever known.'


"What's wrong?" Hope asked, "you just zoned out."

"It was my dad. We developed this sort of mind communication thing," Jaxon replied, looking at Rafael, "Anyway, he was telling me to tell Rafael to stop singing in shower because it's awful."

"What the—"

"—Bye." Jaxon quickly said before walking out of the room.

𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ━━ HOPE MIKAELSON.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon