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JAXON HAD HIS HAND wrapped around Hope's wrist as he led her in the hallway. Hope said nothing and allowed the boy to drag her around.

"Have you seen Hope?" On hearing the familiar voice of Emma, the two stopped in their tracks and Jaxon quickly pulled Hope in a corner to avoid Emma from spotting them.

He gestured for her to be quiet, she was backed against the wall and he was towering over her, his face an inch away from hers. Her breath hitched at the proximity and her heartbeat raced but Jaxon was too busy on hiding them to notice how their proximity affected her.

"No, I didn't." The familiar voice of Dorian replied, "why?"

"I sent Jaxon to tell her that I'm waiting for her—" Emma paused, "—for her session but she's yet to come and it's been almost fifteen minutes."

"Maybe Jax didn't tell her." Dorian shrugged, "did you check in her room?"

"I did." Emma nodded, "But she's not there and Jaxon's not in his room either."

"Did they... sneak out?" Dorian raised his brows, "it's class hours... Let's go check in their classes or with their friends." Nodding, Emma and Dorian walked away while Jaxon peaked to check whether they were out of sight. Hope stood there, unable to breathe while she stared at his face.

"Okay, we're good." Jaxon said, taking a few steps back away from her. Hope snapped out of her daze, nodding and ignored the warmth that spread through her entire body when he, again, grabbed her wrist, "come on. We need to pass through those doors without anyone seeing us."

"Okay," she smiled, liking the idea of sneaking out for the first time. Successfully, they walked out the door without anyone noticing them.

He led her to where he parked his car. Jaxon had his own car which was a black Lamborghini. Hope has never been in there before as he has never allowed anyone to get inside— he rarely used it. Unlocking the car, he gestured for her to get inside which she did and then he slid into the driver's seat.

"Where are we going?" She asked, buckling her seatbelt. He didn't bother reply as he started the car, ignoring the sound it made before he drove pass the school gates. "Somewhere nice," he replied, "you need a break— as do I. Fuck school day for once."

"We're going to land in trouble," Hope chuckled, happiness filled in her tone, "Emma and Dorian are going to inform Alaric about our mysterious disappearance."

"Who gives a fuck?" Jaxon accelerated the car making Hope laugh, "I've never been in this. Why have I never been in this?"

"Because I've never allowed anyone in," Jaxon responded, turning the wheel swiftly, "are you gonna tell me why you've been crying?"

"Landon," Hope sighed, mood turning down again, "I... I didn't think he would lie, you know? I thought he was normal— the same guy I met... People change. He's a dick and I'll kill him first chance I get."

"You performed dark magic last night," Jaxon stated, "I felt this powerful surge of energy. You were with Josie, were you not?"

"I needed to find out where he was," Hope defended, "if I hadn't, we would never have found out about the bus and the other things."

"Dark magic is dangerous," Jaxon reminded, slowing down the speed as he neared the place he wanted to be, "it could land you in serious trouble."

"I know." Hope looked through the window, noticing that they were entering in some sort of abandoned forest, "what's this place?"

"My favourite place of all the time," Jaxon replied, "you're gonna love this."

"Did you bring me here to kill me?" Hope asked, joking making Jaxon roll his eyes, "why would I waste petrol and all that just to kill you? Use your brain— never mind, I forgot that you don't have that."

"Rude." She mumbled. Jaxon said nothing as he pulled the car to a stop, "we need to continue the rest by foot."

"Okay," nodding, she stepped out of the car and walked towards him as the two began walking to the path Jaxon was leading. Hope's ears finally caught up on the sound of water falling and a grin broke onto her face when the place finally came in sight.

𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 ━━ HOPE MIKAELSON.Where stories live. Discover now