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JAXON WAS STARING at MG and Lizzie dancing in the middle of the crowd with Penelope beside him.

"What did you do to Rafael?" Jaxon asked the witch, "I hope he's still alive."

"Don't worry, he is." Penelope responded, "I locked him in the gym with Hope."

"Excuse me?" Noticing the look Jaxon shot her, Penelope was quick to add, "they'll be out in like forty minutes. Don't worry."

Jaxon's eyes scanned around the place, looking for his other sister. He frowned when he couldn't find her. "Have you seen Josie?" He asked Penelope who started looking around, shaking her head, "no. Let's go."

Without another word being exchanged between them, they left the party and went to look for Josie— they both went their separate ways.

Jaxon checked her room then went to look outside when he couldn't find her inside. That's when he saw Hope wearing a red dress, looking as stunning as ever. His breath got caught in his throat as he stared at her, "Hope."

"Jaxon?" Hope looked at him, eyes taking in his appearance. He was wearing a black suit, his sleeves rolled up and the suit was unbuttoned which showed the white shirt he had underneath, "what are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for Josie." Jaxon responded making his way towards her, "what are you doing here?"

"I saw Doctor Saltzman going outside and then I heard some noises." She responded, "I think something is wrong."

"Only one way to find out." He said as the two of them made their way further outside, their steps halting when they caught sight of Alaric standing there, looking as stressed and scared as ever. "Doctor Saltzman, what's going on?" Hope called out making Alaric turn to look at her.

That's when they noticed that he had Josette pinned to a tree. Alaric glanced at them then back at Jo, "Hope, Jax, I need your help."


After Alaric revealed that her possessed biological mother buried Josie alive in the cemetery, they all grabbed a shovel and began looking around. Penelope and MG also joined them.

"MG, listen for her breathing." Hope said as they walked around, holding shovels and torches in their hands.

"Hold on," MG said making them stop and look at him as he held his hand forward, "I hear something. Shovel." Penelope handed her a shovel and he approached a particular spot before beginning to dig.

Just then, a hand reached out from under the ground and grabbed his leg.

"Fuck, is that a..." Jaxon trailed off when Penelope stepped forward and hit the zombie with her shovel. However, the zombie kept on trying to attack MG.

Jaxon then dug his shovel inside it's head, killing it instantly— for the second time. "It's a zombie. Always go for the head because, you know... brain."

"He's right," MG stood up and dusted off his clothes, "to kill a walker, you got to go for the brain. Everybody knows that."

Penelope scoffed, "yeah, every nerd maybe."

"Everybody who has ever watched a zombie movie, actually." Jaxon informed, smirking at Penelope, "I wouldn't put it past you to have never watched a zombie movie in your miserable life."

"Just call it a zombie."

Just then more grunts were heard and more zombies began to submerge from the ground. "Zombies," Hope said, "plural." The group of teenagers stood together as zombies surrounded them, all walking towards them emitting some sort of growls.

And so, they began attacking as well, hitting the zombies— aiming for their heads.

"Whoo!" MG exclaimed in excitement, "two for two, baby!"

"Penelope and I can handle the rest." Hope spoke, sure of herself as she looked at Jaxon and MG, "you two go find Josie."

"Right. Got it." MG nodded as he and Jaxon walked away to find Josie.

"Josie! I hear you, hold on." MG said, looking at Jaxon as the two began digging on the spot MG pointed. They opened the casket only for a zombie to show herself.

Jaxon stabbed his shovel inside her head, throwing her body back inside the casket, as he eyed the blood which spilled on him, "gross."

"We're running out of time!" Hope exclaimed, clearly worried for Josie. She looked at Jaxon. "She doesn't have much time left. She'll run out of air if we don't do something quick."

Jaxon took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes as he focused on the sounds. He could hear a lot of grunting and growling coming from the zombies but he focused deeper and harder than that. That's when he heard it. Josie's soft cries.

Leaving the others to deal with the zombies, he rushed towards the spot and plugged his shovel in the ground. With the amount of force he did that, the ground began shaking and everyone watched as the soil began to lift in the air. That's when Josie's hand was pushed out of the ground and Jaxon wasted no time in grabbing it, pulling her out and to her feet.

Josie instantly wrapped her arms around Jaxon, hugging him as she breathed heavily, attempting to regain her normal breathing.

"You're okay," Jaxon hugged her back, his fingers wrapped in her hair on the back of her head as he held her close, "you're okay."

"The talisman," Hope breathed out, relieved, "it worked."

"What's it supposed to do?" Josie asked, glancing at Hope who replied, "to make quiet things heard."

Jaxon glanced at Hope who shot him a small smile. He smiled back and stared at her with nothing but adoration in his eyes and he was sure that it was at that moment that he realized how much Hope Mikaelson really meant to him and as did she.

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