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“IF IT'S A MONSTER, MY GUESS IS it's a Gorgon." Alaric said to the two teenagers as loaded his gun.

MG furrowed his brows at the unfamiliarly of the name, "What's that?"

"You ever hear of Medusa?" Jaxon asked the vampire who nodded while Alaric further explained, "She's the most famous one. They're supposed to be incredibly beautiful with snakes for hair, turn men into stone. If Dorian were here, he could tell you more about it, but he's not."

"Uh..." MG cleared his throat, "wh-what if she was doing it off of instinct? You know, Gorgons gonna Gorgon. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe she's actually super smart and-and-and chill and she's just scared or confused or something. Maybe."

"MG, here knows something," Jaxon said, looking at MG, "why don't you share your little knowledge with us?"

Just then, Alaric looked behind the two boys and they both watched as he turned into stone.

"Fuck, Ric!" Jaxon and MG turned around only to find a girl walking up to them with her hairs into snakes hissing around.

"Where is Landon Kirby?" The girl asked, nearing them, "I won't hurt you two  or anyone else if you just take me to Landon Kirby."

"I'm not giving up any of my friends, but I'm definitely not giving up Landon." MG said defiantly making the girl look at Jaxon, "will you tell me where he is or do I need to turn you both into stones?"

"I mean, you can always try," Jaxon shrugged carelessly. The snakes in her hair began hissing as she stared at MG first, attempting to turn him into stone but she couldn't. Then she turned to Jaxon and tried to do the same thing but again, she was unable to.

"Why aren't you stone?" She asked both of them, frowning in confusion.

"I don't know," MG smirked lightly, "Maybe because I'm a vampire?"

You're a vamp? That's dope," The girl chuckled, turning to Jaxon, "you're both vamps?"

"No, I'm a demigod, werewolf—" He cut himself off, shaking his head, "you really don't have to know all that."

"A demigod," she repeated, "unbelievable." Then she looked at MG, "two things, stewart is the best."

"Whatever, and?"

"I'm sorry," she whispered, looking genuinely guilty. Before either Jaxon or MG could comprehend what was happening, both their necks were snapped by a snake from behind their back. The girl then quickly fled away while after around five minutes, Jaxon's neck snapped back into place.

"How could I let that happen?" He mumbled to himself, standing up as he rubbed his neck softly and looked at MG's unconscious body. Bending down, he woke him up with a snap of his fingers.

MG woke up with a gasp, groaning as he rubbed his own neck, "what the hell happened?"

"Your new crush snapped your neck—well, she had one of her snakes snap it for her," Jaxon replied, helping him stand up, "kinda creepy if you ask me." He glanced at his watch and saw the time. "Fuck, I'm supposed to be escorting Hope in like five minutes!"

"Then go, what are you waiting for?" MG asked, raising his brows at the boy who glanced at Alaric who was turned into a stone, "yeah, I guess Ric can wait a few more minutes. Vamp sped me there." MG nodded and grabbed his wrist before vamp speeding him there. "Three tolls from a bronze bell," Jaxon said to the vampire as he began walking away, "it would disrupt her power. I'll see you later."

Jaxon went to his room and took a quick shower before changing into a suit. He quickly fixed his hair and wore his rings before going to where Hope was.

"Hey," Hope said with a smile when she saw him. He stared at her in awe, biting his lower lip, "damn. You look—fucking hell— you look stunning."

A blush rose up to her cheeks at his words, "t–thank you. You look handsome," she brought a hand to his suit and fixed it lightly, "where have you been?"

"Dealing with something," he mumbled, deciding not to tell her anything just yet. He wanted her to enjoy that. "Let's just go win you that fucking title once and for all."

"Hope Mikaelson and her escort, Jaxon Drake." Someone spoke up in a mic as the two walked down the stairs, Hope's arm linked in his. They ignored all the stares on them as they reached the dance floor where they began dancing like they practiced with the other contestants.

"Jax, why do I feel like there's something you're not telling me?" Hope asked out of nowhere as they maintained eye contact and moved slowly, their steps synching.

"I don't know—" he replied, keeping a neutral look on his face, "—why do you feel that?"

"My dream," she mumbled, making sure to do every move she practiced, "it was about you— and—and Malivore."

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