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"WAKE UP!" Pedro shook Jaxon awake, "come on, Jax, wake up!"

"What do you want, you incessant little b—" Jaxon was cut off by Pedro, "—something's happened to Lizzie."

His eyes shot open, "what?"

"The statue hurt her," the little boy responded as Jaxon got up to his feet, "what statue?"

"I don't know..." Pedro shook his head, "he was in the garden but Lizzie is paralyzed, she can't move!"

"Fuck," Jaxon cursed not bothering to care that he was in the presence of a child. "Give me a minute. I'll be there."

"Okay," Pedro nodded and left his room, going back to where everyone else were. Lizzie was paralyzed, lying on the couch while the others students along with Alaric were present. Jaxon freshened up quickly before making his way there as well.

Upon seeing him, Alaric approached him and uttered a single word, "gargoyle."

"Where's she?" He asked and Alaric pointed to the girl lying on the couch. Jaxon sighed and made his way towards her, his eyes going to the wound she received. There was no blood, rather, it was grey— it looked somewhat decayed and dried up.

"Holy shit." He muttered, looking at Lizzie who was staring at him, unable to move or say anything. "Blink twice if it hurts." Lizzie blinked twice making Jaxon suck in a sharp breath, "I'll try to heal you, okay?" She blinked twice again.

Jaxon grabbed her hand in his, concentrating his energy on hers. He gave in everything, attempting to heal the girl but however, the would didn't disappear— only part of it did. Jaxon knew why, it was because of that potion he took. He wasn't strong enough and the amount of dark energy that wound contained was bad for him. He inwardly sighed in frustration, what was he thinking? It was stupid of him.

Lizzie let out a sigh, feeling a bit of the pain disappear. She whispered, "thank you," although she couldn't move. She could now talk— thanks to Jaxon who wished he could have done more.

"Lizzie?" Alaric rushed to his daughter, "how are you feeling?"

"It was hurting before— but now—" She paused, "not as much. What do you think it wants?"

"The knife," Jaxon looked up at Alaric whose eyes widen in realisation. He then turned to the others, "we're on lockdown. Nobody goes outside period. I want you all in your rooms. Upper class, you're on the buddy system, lower class I want you to go with Emma to the grand hall, okay? Everyone let's go."

Emma approached Alaric who said, "alright, take Lizzie with you and the kids. Keep an eye on that infection. I'm gonna try and draw it away from the school."

"I'll help you." Jaxon suggested, walking over and stood beside Alaric who nodded. Emma only nodded at the two, telling them to be careful before walking away and doing as she was told.

Alaric and Jaxon went to his office to retrieve the knife. Once done, they walked in the hallway, Alaric gripping the knife tightly as the two looked for the statue.

They spotted it, standing with it's eyes closed. The two exchanged a look before Alaric went towards it before raising his hand, ready to stab it when it opened it's eyes and caught Alaric's wrist, twisting it and stealing the knife. Jaxon was quick to react. Using his powers, he sent the status flying backwards, giving him and Alaric enough time to get away from the statue.

"Is your hand okay?" Jaxon asked to which Alaric nodded before snapping his bones back in its place, groaning as he did so. He stood up, "stay here. I'll deal with it." Again, Alaric nodded and watched as he set off after the gargoyle.

He lost track of it. Using heightened senses, he was led to the grand hall. Upon seeing him, the kids and teachers looked at him, all feeling scared. Pedro was the first one to stand up, rushing at him as he hugged him waist, mumbling, "he's gonna kill us all."

"Hey," Jaxon knelt down so he was eye–level with the boy, "he's not gonna touch a single strand on that dumb head of yours, little guy. Not on my watch."

"I have an idea," Emma said, "everyone stay every quiet." She then stood in front and muttered a spell, "Nullum Visilaris." A few seconds later, they saw the gargoyle in front of the window, however the spell Emma casted made them invisible.

Pedro flinched on hearing the loud growls again making Jaxon stand up, grabbing the boy's hand as he held him close.

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