10| Swallowing Snitch

Start from the beginning

''I was so scared!'' He hid his head into my shoulder as he wrapped his arms tightly around me. 

''He really was, cried all night. Even punched Parkinson because he was so annoyed.'' Blaise added. 

''Theo, you cried over me? You know I'm not going to die, right?'' I turned to Theo, lifting his head so he can look me in the eyes. He sniffed and nodded, putting his head back on my shoulder. ''What about you Blaise?'' I asked the boy. 

''I was worried, of course. For both you and Theo, he would've burned the school if you had died.'' He gestured to the stone building beside us, then back to Theo.

''You guys are the best.'' Theo had stopped hugging me, wiping his nose with his wrist. Blaise stepped up and gave me a hug, since he couldn't earlier when Theo was hogging me. 

As Blaise was hugging me, he had his head on the opposite shoulder Theo had cried on. He whispered in my ear: ''I also cried.'' He sounded a little embarrassed to say so, but when he did I chuckled a little which ended in him doing the same. 

''I've got to get to the changing rooms now, you'll be cheering for me, yeah?'' I asked, pointing my index finger between the two boys. 

''Of course, Slytherin doesn't have a chance.'' Theo said coming over to poke my shoulder then throw his arm around me. 

''Wow, talk about support for your own house.'' Blaise rolled his eyes. ''But of course, I'll still be cheering for you. And just you, not Potter or the rest of the team.'' Blaise clarified, making Theo and I laugh at the boy.

''Granger! Come on!'' Wood shouted from the side. 

''Alright, I'll see you boys in the stands.'' I ruffled Theo's hair – which probably took him hours to fix – and ran off towards the Gryffindor Changing Rooms. Off to the side was a red and gold sweater that had 'Granger' on the back of it in gold, along with a red robe that had the Gryffindor sign on the left corner. 

I grabbed the clothes and started changing out of my current robes to change into my Quidditch Robes, which didn't take long since I was in a hurry. When I had finished getting dressed in my new robes, there was a brown wrapped package sitting on the bench, Faris sitting beside it while looking at me. 

''What is this?'' I asked Faris. He only tilted his head and looked down at the package. 

Sitting on the edge of the bench, I started taking off the paper little by little, until I had seen black wood from under the paper. After seeing the black wood, I quickly unwrapped the whole thing revealing a new broom sitting in the bench. 

''Nimbus 2000? Where did this come from?'' I asked, no one in particular. 

''Granger, let's go!'' Wood shouted once again. 

''Coming!'' I shouted back, grabbing the broom and standing up. ''Thank you Faris, I'll give you extra at lunch.'' At this, the eagle had made an approving noise and flew out of the room. I've found my way towards the rest of the Gryffindor team, where Harry told me about what happened to Wood in his first Quidditch game.

It was a very reassuring pep-talk. 

Lee announced the teams, Gryffindor and Slytherin, before we all flew out of the tent and into the pitch. I'd met Lee a couple of times, we'd sometimes find ourselves talking about random topics when we walk in the corridors. 

We got into our positions as the capitals of both teams headed towards the middle and shook hands. Oliver Wood and Marcus Flint are sworn enemies, for as long as one could remember. Flint had gripped hard onto Wood's hand, giving him a glare and a snarky smirk. Wood hadn't moved at all, just glared right back. It was pretty intense. 

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