(Nick)17...I have 17 pairs *smiles proudly*

(Bailey) you sound like the rainman *giggles*

(Nick) *does an impression* 17 pairs ..def..def..definitly 17 pairs of socks yea

(Bailey) *giggles* Nick is real weird about socks *shrugs*

(Bailey) *reading* Nick, what is your favorite color

(Nick) my favorite color would be blue *pops another gummy bear into his mouth*

(Nick) *reading* Bailey do your brothers call you Bailey or do they have nicknames for you, and what is it like living with three of the hottest guys on the planet *smirks*

*Bailey half choking on a gummy bear shoots a weird face at Nick and shrugs*

(Nick) I think she is referring to Kev, Joe and myself *smiles*

(Bailey) *sarcastically* OOOOOOH , ok got a little confused there who she might be talking about *smiles* Um, I dunno, bout the same as any girl out there with three older brothers *shrugs* just more busy and they usually call me "B"

*Both B and Nick grab a few more gummy bears before moving on to the next question...overlooking those that Joe and Kevin are instructing them to avoid*

(Nick) *reading* Do you guys have that freaky twin connection? Like can you hear eachothers thoughts, feel eachothers pain etc. oooh that's an interesting one

(Joe yells)They are definitely freakish!

(Bailey) HA! Josephs funny...remind me to show you all later *shoots a smirk at Joe*

*Nick laughs*

(Bailey) ummmm...freaky twin connection...I would definitely say we have a unique connection. I can't hear his thoughts or technically feel his pain but I'm definitely much more sensitive to it and more in tune with how he is feeling or thinking when he is around me ...like if he was away and stubbs his toe or something my toe doesn't hurt, but if he is around me and not feeling well or worried or something like that I pick up on it immediately.

(Nick) yea, and I've been away before on a meet and greet actually and B got hurt back here at home and I had this weird feeling the whole time, like that feeling in a scary movie where your stomach just drops and tenses up because there's scary music playing and you know something bad is going to happen... I couldn't shake it...so I ended up stepping away and calling home and...

(Bailey) *interrupts * Yea...I had fallen and broke my foot...that's right I forgot about that

(Nick) *grabs another gummy bear and pops it into his mouth* *reading* haha you guys are making me crave gummy bears, are they your favorite candy?

(Bailey)i love gummy bears but my favorite candy is vanilla tootsie rolls or sour patch watermelons....I could eat those things til the sour stuff gives me blisters on my tongue...hugely addicted

(Nick) I actually prefer the gummy worms to the bears...

(Bailey) ohhh please *rolls eyes*

(Nick) they are completely different I don't care what you think...and sweettarts...I love sweettartts...and chocolate Hershey bars

(Nick) HA! Jamie says I agree with Nick worms are better

(Bailey) shhhhhh they will hear you *jokingly covers a gummies ears*

*Nick grabs the gummy and bites off its head, B fake gasps in shock*

(Bailey) see, now that was just uncalled for *reading* favorite cereal *looks at Nick*

(Nick) Cheerios...

(Bailey) Nick is such an old man....*giggles* my favorite is captain crunch berries

(Nick) I don't know how you eat that stuff it shreds the roof of your mouth...

(Nick) *reading* from Leslie...Bailey, do you wear a purity ring like your brothers and if so what does it say?

(Bailey) I do actually....it doesn't say anything here I don't know if you can see it *Holds ring up toward the camera* I actually picked it out myself and fell in love with it because it reminds me of nick and I, it has two hearts kinda intertwined...one has diamonds and the other is just plain

(Nick) *cocks a brow* apparently I'm plain

*B nods and smirks at Nick*

(Nick) *smiles shaking his head* Bailey, are you also diabetic like Nick?

(Bailey) no I am not actually, apparently because Nick has it I'm less likely to get it but we... *pauses and looks at Nick concerned, Nick leans over and whispers something in her ear and then gets up and leaves the room, after a short pause B continues...* we still watch out for warning signs with me because there is still a chance that I could develop it.

*screen starts to flood with questions on where Nick has gone, Nick quickly returns holding his omnipod case and sits off to the side so he is only half visible on screen Nick pulls out his meter and tests his blood... then flashes the screen at B 390. B's eyes get wide and she quickly grabs for the flip video to distract the ubers*

(Bailey) I just remembered, I have a video to show you guys of Joe
*flashes a smirk at Joe*

(Bailey) a lot of you think that Joe is putting on an act for the fans during the interviews, and I thought I would put that rumor to rest...this is a video I taped yesterday while Joe and I were hanging out hopefully you can see this let me know if you cant...
*holds flip up to the camera and pushes play*

*immediately the ubers respond laughing and begging me to upload it to youtube*

(Bailey) well....there that is... how that qualifies him to be one of the hottest guys on the planet I'll never know.

*Nick ducks back into the shot after he adjusts his pod*

(Nick) *smiles shyly* I'm back...did you miss me

*ubers are bombarding the screen with "where did you go?" "are you ok? And "what happened?"*

(Nick) I had a technical difficulty but I'm better now *smiles*

(Bailey)see now if he hadn't been stealing my gummy bears this wouldn't have happened...let that be a lesson to you...AND look on the bright side...if those had been gummy worms instead of bears it could have been a lot worse *smile*

(Nick) ok we have time for just a few more questions...

(Bailey) *reading* will you please upload the bopit video to youtube...

*Joe yells from across the room NO*

(Bailey)yes , absolutely

(Nick) *reading* Bailey, do you sing too? Yes, she does shes really good actually

(Bailey) I do for fun yes

*Kevin cues Nick from across the room that time is up*

(Nick) alright we are out of time for tonight, hopefully we got some of your questions answered and you enjoyed getting to know the bonus Jonas Goodnight

*B and Nick wave and the feed ends*

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