''Alright, that's all you need to know about Quidditch. You two have classes, so I'll let you be.'' Oliver waved us off as he bent down to lock the trunk. Harry and I turned around, walking back into the castle towards Charms class. 

''How crazy is this? Us, first years, getting into the Gryffindor Quidditch Team.'' Harry beamed, he did seem quite happy. 

''It is quite amazing.'' 

''How are you not excited right now?'' Harry asked, raising a curious brow. 

''Oh, I am. I've just played a lot of sports like this so I'm used to all this. Just besides the magical part, of course.'' I explained. Harry hummed and nodded his head. 

''Is that Faris?'' Harry questioned, looking out beyond the courtyard to see Faris flying towards us. 

''Yeah, it is.'' As Faris flew closer, I held out my arm for the eagle to land. Faris had a letter in his hand, which had my name on the front and a simple Hogwarts stamp to close the envelope. ''How about you go on ahead, eh? I'll be a minute.'' I gave Harry a sorry look.

''Alright, I'll save you a seat in Charms.'' He spoke. Turning around to run down the hall. With a sigh, I turned back to the letter that Faris had brought me. I ripped off the seal, and pulled out the parchment, which was old and torn like the one from yesterday had been. The handwriting was also the same, it just made me wonder further who this person was. 


Dear Miss. Granger,

I see you are hesitant to take up my offer. I cannot do
anything to change nor encourage your choices. 

But, I give full respect to you and your decisions.

Feel free to write to me, anytime about anything at
all. Just use the owl that has came with the letter. 

The concerned citizen.


The letter said that they had used an owl to being the letter, but Faris was the one who brought it to me.

''Where is the owl?'' I asked Faris. He looked at the sky, watching a small black dot. A medium sized owl had landed in the window in-front of me, glaring at Faris before looking back at me. 

From what I collected, Faris had most likely stole the letter from the black feathered owl. Making the owl fall behind schedule and just now, finally reach me. Yet, the owl still hadn't delivered the letter to me, which seemed to disappoint him just the slightest. 

''Now, what is Granger doing out in the halls?'' Came an all too familiar, snarky voice. 

''What are you doing in the halls, Malfoy? Shouldn't you be in class?''

''Shouldn't you?'' He retorted. He had switched his gaze to the black feathered owl, eyeing it up and down before speaking. ''Interesting owl.'' 

''It's not mine.''

''Of course, because you have the oversized turkey.''

Hearing this, Faris had flown off my arm and in-front of Malfoy's face, making him stumble backwards and onto the ground. Faris glared at him, each step getting dangerously closer.

''I wouldn't insult him if I were you. He gets touchy on some topics.'' I out the letter back into the envelope, shutting it by putting some of the seal back on it. ''Also, quit writing me letters. Would you?'' I asked him, now I was glaring at him.

[✓] 𝘗𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘺 𝘐𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 ,𝘋.𝘔𝘹𝘍𝘦𝘮𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳,Where stories live. Discover now